
Showing posts from July, 2024

The American idealism was always Fictional

The American idealism was always fictional, but many have been brainwashed to believe otherwise. The truth is the USA is more dysfunctional than other developed countries and just as dysfunctional as some underdeveloped countries and at the rate they are going, things will only get worse! No country is fully functional, some however are more functional than most, some more progressive than other countries. We see racist far right growing all over the western world. But as far as I am concerned the US made up reputation of being more functional than most is fictional.  There has been a dumbing down of the American population because it is easier to control stupid people. The problem gets even worst when dumb people are electing dumber politicians to rule over them. Then the USA arm the dumb down population with as much weapons of death they can buy, now how do you think that is going to end? The US walks around the world weaponizing their made up high ideals, beating other countries w