
Showing posts from 2024

Violent Notting Hill West Indian Carnival and Brooklyn West Indian Parade - Not In My Name

The time has come for the West Indies to distance itself from these overseas abominations that are taking place in Brooklyn and London. Far-Right racist Britain and Far-Right racist USA loves the Notting Hill Carnival and the Brooklyn West Indian Parade because they use them to prove their racist point and push their racist narratives, that black and brown people are inferior and white people superior and that we do not belong in their space. The news headlines for carnival and parades are pre-written a year in advance, right after the last carnival. All the white weaponized media need to do is fill in the blanks with the numbers generated by dysfunctional black people who attend. The White Weaponized Media goes into a frenzy days before the event, Viagra hard with excitement and who can blame them because we as a people never fail disappoint. They want violence and we give them violence! Some Black British and some Black Americans wear their dysfunctional ignorance like a badge of hon

The Jamaican Media is Colonially Conditioned and Subjugated

2024 Southport Riots If something negative happened in the Jamaica the British media would highlight it because they gain the feeling of superiority by highlighting our negatives as proof of our inferiority. When something negative is happening in the UK the Jamaican media ignores it. That is because our media and the Jamaican Government are colonially conditioned and stewed to subjugated perfection and as such contributes to the perception of British superiority and our inferiority. Far Right white racist British citizens have been violently rioting for the past couple days, setting fire to anything that can burn and attacking the police, and black and brown people going about their business and our local media pretends it is not happening. Thus, keeping our people ignorant into believing believing that they are inferior, and the British are superior.  What constitute as media in Jamaica is a joke. If this was Happening in Jamaica, the British press would be all over it and it would m

The American idealism was always Fictional

The American idealism was always fictional, but many have been brainwashed to believe otherwise. The truth is the USA is more dysfunctional than other developed countries and just as dysfunctional as some underdeveloped countries and at the rate they are going, things will only get worse! No country is fully functional, some however are more functional than most, some more progressive than other countries. We see racist far right growing all over the western world. But as far as I am concerned the US made up reputation of being more functional than most is fictional.  There has been a dumbing down of the American population because it is easier to control stupid people. The problem gets even worst when dumb people are electing dumber politicians to rule over them. Then the USA arm the dumb down population with as much weapons of death they can buy, now how do you think that is going to end? The US walks around the world weaponizing their made up high ideals, beating other countries w

The Republic of Jamaica - All or Nothing?

JAMAICA OATH OF ALLEGIANCE: I, [name], do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, His Heirs and Successors according to the Laws of Jamaica and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Jamaica and fulfil my duties as a citizen of Jamaica. So help me God. Charles the Third, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith (they forgot Father of Dragons?). The monarchy of Jamaica is a system of government in which a hereditary British Monarch is the sovereign and head of state of Jamaica. King Charles III is the current Jamaican monarch and head of state. As sovereign, he is the personal embodiment of the Jamaican Crown. The current monarch is officially titled King of Jamaica and elected members of our Political Class swears an Oath to King Charles III  His Heirs and Successors . THE REPORT OF THE CONSTITUTIO

Global Refugees, Migrants and the White Western World Order

The recent news that Rwanda will be paid to take refugees already in the UK, off British hands filled me with disappointment. Rwanda is now buying Africans and middle easterners from the British. A kind of reverse middle passage. Denmark also has a deal with Rwanda to take refugees. So, Rwanda is trying to make a profit trading in human souls. On top of the 220 million pounds Britain has already paid Rwanda, the government has agreed to pay an extra 150 million pounds over the next three years, and 120 million pounds once the first 300 asylum seekers have been resettled. The global migrant problem was created by the imperialist and colonialist foreign policies of the White Western World Order. A foreign policy based on invasions, wars, colonization, engineered coups, embargoes, destabilization, forced subjugation and slavery. A legacy of enrichment through human suffering and the main protagonists were Great Britain and the United States of America. The People who suffered because of W