Jamaica, Island of Pride, Power and Resistance

Cheo Hodari Coker Executive Producer of Luke Cage was asked in an interview about why he selected and featured Jamaica in Luke Cage, he described Jamaica as and I quote "Jamaica has always been the island of Pride, Power and Resistance". He went on in details to describe the historic progressive position of Jamaica and Jamaicans on this planet. For such a small country we have been known to punch above our weight and a lot of people throughout our history see that as a threat. Take for example Haiti, they were a symbol of Pride, Power and Resistance, the first country to gain their independence but Haiti was never allowed to succeed and how could it, when it represented a threat to the white power structure.

Time Index: 6:05

The other day a prominent member of the political class spoke out about the racist right wing movements happening in the UK, EU and USA and how Governments of those countries are implementing racist policies to appease racist people and some people were upset that he spoke out against racism declaring that we Jamaicans should not have any objective opinion about things happening on this planet because we exist at the mercy of the UK, EU and USA.

The current world order among majority white countries right now is the rise of far-Right White Nationalism, Nazism has become a new normal and freely expressed without shame. The rise of the far-right has coincided with a decline of the centre-left. Of the 28 EU states, only six – Spain, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Sweden and Slovakia – have left-wing governments. The USA have a Far-Right racist for President and hate crimes is on the increase. Far-Right Racist Political Parties are gaining more and more control and implementing racist policies.

I remember when Michael Manley declared to all Jamaicans and the world that “We Are More Than a Beach, We are a country” and I remember how upset some Jamaicans were at that statement declaring that Manley was scaring away the tourist by declaring that we are more than just a beach but a place with real people, with real families trying to make real ends meet and have our own real dreams and goals in life.

Yes we are not the biggest country in the world, we have little or no power, we are not the movers or shakers of this planet, but that does not say we are not educated, proud men and women who can evaluate the planet we live on and make solid opinions and be objective and call a spade a spade. We could not change South Africa but we were front and centre in the anti-apartheid movement, even using reggae as a tool to fight against oppression and preach racial unity. Jamaica was the first country in the western hemisphere and second in the world to India which officially banned trade and travel with the fascist apartheid Government which practised a brutal form of racism in South Africa.

We Jamaicans should always stand up for what we believe in, no matter where, home or overseas.

To say we should never express our objective opinions and should never stand up for right over wrong, makes it seems like we EXIST on leash, begging for handout, scraps, and bottom feeders and as such we should put up with anything because we exist at the mercy of other, is wrong and sends a wrong message to our young people. We are not simpletons looking for a hand out, begging for a smalls, invertebrates, to gravel for all eternity. I take exception to anyone telling me that having an objective opinion about the USA, UK or EU is biting the hands that feed me because I am not being fed by anyone but myself. In fact I would rather go back to consuming what we produce and producing what we consume if it means being able to get up and stand up for my rights.

In 2011 I wrote this and it is even more valid today. Biting The Hands That Feed You? WTF!


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