The Current World Order - Dependency is Profitable

The current world order, created mainly by the USA, UK, EU, and other White Western First World powers. The current world order was set up to create a Cycle of Dependency on Western First World powers because Dependency is Profitable. Just like selling crack and Opioid is profitable because consuming crack and opioid sets up a cycle of dependency which drives profits.

The current world order was set up to enforce a sense of low self-esteem and low self-worth because the cycle of dependency works best that way. The dependents must believe they cannot survive without the rulers of the Current World Order and within its context. They must believe they need them to survive. That is the Imperialist and Colonialist playbook and why empires were so profitable for the colonizers.

Our Colonial Masters had the ability to convince the oppressed and subjugated people that they were inferior, too stupid, too useless and worthless to stand on their own feet and fend for themselves. Convinced that they the Western Powers were superior and without them the subjugated, oppressed people would suffer. The oppressed and subjugated people were also made to believe that it was in their best interest, if the Colonial Masters were rich because the richer the colonial masters the better it would be for the oppressed and subjugated people. Who must work harder to create wealth for their Colonial Masters.

Our Colonial Masters then declared that this was the Whites Man's Burden, a sacrifice, Manifest Destiny, to be benevolent and look after people they consider lower lifeforms and subhuman. Historically Europeans and American pushed the concept of Scientific racism, a pseudo-scientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism, racial inferiority and racial superiority. The current world order was set up to make us devalue not only ourselves but the resources we own. To devalue our natural way of life and value the Western powers way of life above all.

The current world order was set up to make some countries, those inhabited by indigenous brown people Beggars, Buyers, Borrowers and Importers and White Western Powers, Givers, Sellers, Lenders, Producers and Exporters.

It is almost guaranteed that poorer countries with some of the world’s most valuable resources will be owned by White Western Imperialist and Colonial powers. To them valuable wealth resources in the hands of developing countries, is like throwing pearls before swine, wasted on subhuman and lower lifeforms. The developed first world much like Colonial Empires of the past, believe that the developing third world cannot and must not be allowed to develop their own natural resources. They must be prevented from creating and selling finished consumer products which should be left only to the developed first world. 

As a result, Colonial First World countries, discouraged Industrialization in the third world. The white First World became industrialized nations while the third world was exploited for their wealth raw resources. They go where they want because they believed they have a God given right. They take what they want, when they want and how they wanted and if anyone resisted, they would make sure they suffer and fail, just to prove they are inferior.

The current world financial system was created by the Imperialist first world to be used as a weapon. To help create, enforce and maintain this cycle of dependency and to put themselves at the top of the food chain and to maintain their dominance over the world order. It is structured in such a way, to guarantee a constant and steady stream of profits away from the Third World, inhabited by Brown Indigenous People and towards the White First World. The Financial World Order they set up, was created to enforce and maintain wealth extraction by creating a cycle of dependency. 

The Financial World Order is like baited fish hooks and once you are hooked, it is very hard to break free, especially when more and more hooks are being inserted into you. The system was never designed for the Developing Third World to break free or to be independent but to become increasingly dependent. The various financial institutions that make up the International Financial System, works together with the Political System to circle the wagon around their victims, dictating terms while engineering dependency and creating a lifestyle conducive to a one-way flow of wealth.

There are NO differences between the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and The Organization of American States (OAS) they are just tools design to serve the same purpose and the same masters. Working to achieve the same end, which is to create that system and cycle of dependency. If you fail with the IMF then you also fail with the World Bank, OAS and IDB and if you fail with the World Financial Order then you also fail with the USA, EU and UK because they work together to circle the wagon, acting as one against you, because like prehistoric Velociraptors they hunt in packs.

One African leader declared that it was a blessing to be able to borrow money from the Chinese and not from Western Financial Institutions. He declared that you are less likely to fall into the debt trap of the World Bank, OAS, IDB and IMF who are working for the USA, EU and UK as they abuse you from pillar to post. Having the Chinese as an alternative source is more beneficial to development, you get more favorable terms. In fact, most of the negative stories about this alternate Chinese source of loans comes from Western Powers who want to scare you back into the fold, they hate losing control. 

Now I am not saying the Chinese are Benevolent lenders, we are not idiots. We know the Chinese also want something but the fact is, we need a break from, not only the Devil we know. For many decades and centuries we have watched the devil we know getting richer and richer at our expense, while we get poorer and poorer.

Trying to break from the Current World Order is not easy and often results in Isolation, Destabilization, engineered Coups, Embargoes and great human suffering. If you ever try to deny the EU, USA and UK access to your wealth resources they will engineer your failure. They will go into attack mode using tried and true methods from their play books. Western first world countries do not care about the type of Government you have. It doesn't really matter if the system of Government is Capitalist, Fascist, Socialist, Communist or Dictatorship because what really matters is that Western First World countries have full access to your wealth resources. It does not matter to Western First World how much people are slaughtered under the supported system of government because human life means nothing to them, they freely turn a blind eye if you guarantee them access to your wealth resources. They talk a lot about Principles, Ideals and Democracy but Western First World countries have no principles and no ideals and could not care less about democracy, when it comes to money. In fact, they use the concept of Principles, Ideals and Democracy as a weapon to justify what they do.

The Western Media, is a weaponized Tool used to maintain the Current World Order!

The USA, UK and EU have supported some of the world's worst murdering dictatorships and have helped to implement some of the world's most murderous regimes and have also helped to overthrow democratically elected Governments, in order to get access to wealth resources. It gets easier when the USA, EU and UK controls most of the worlds media which allows them to control the narratives, turn the world against you and justify their actions. They can spread lies and simple-minded people will believe it. 

If Jesus Christ was alive today, President of a country and have resources he was not willing to share but use instead to socially and economically develop his own people and country. He would be regarded as a communist terrorist and religious extremist, targeted for regime change, by the Western World Order.

Once these Western powerhouses have an embargo in place against you then no one can break that embargo since every loan and every agreement is based on obeying Western powerhouses. Once the embargo is in place western financial institutions enforce the isolation and destabilization, bringing any country, with any type of system, to its knees. The isolated countries can no longer interact freely with the rest of the planet. They can no longer do any normal business and no country on this Global planet can stand alone and survive.

We live in a global world where international trade and finances are a requirement to survival no matter what form of Government you implement. If you are cut off from the global world then chances are you will not survive and your people will suffer. The USA, EU and UK can tell third party countries who they can and cannot do business with and if you go against their wishes, then you will also be a victim of their circle the wagon tactics. You vote how they tell you to vote, say what they want you to say, do what they want you to do and you will be included and if not then you are excluded and you will suffer. There measures are design to bring you to your knees, to subjugate you to the point of oppression.

The USA, EU and UK have taken great exception to Chinese engagement of the Developing Third world. This after the Chinese pumped billions if not trillions into Western First world economies. When it comes to China, it is as if, The Western World order is telling us to take our left hand out of lukewarm water. Meanwhile they are holding our right hand in the fire, burning it to the bone. While trying to use the Jedi mind trick on us, telling us the lukewarm water is actually red hot hell fire, and the real red hot hell fire that is burning our right hand to the bones, is just very mild lukewarm water applied out of care and love.

What I find when communicating with the inhabitants of the western first world regardless of the color of these inhabitants, is that they believe the narratives of their home country. They do not have the ability to put themselves in the position of the country receiving the abusive foreign policy. I do not think they care enough. They believe that their home country represents the best of humanity, the bastion of everything that is good with the world. They believe they are benevolent and treat everyone fairly. The fact of the matter is, they are almost always arrogant, ignorant and delusional and believe that the developing third world should comply with their demands. Because it is for their own good and they know what is better for us.  But if you treated us better, fairly and with respect, we would be more loyal.  

The Chinese Invasion and Investments
The Chinese is not investing in other countries out of the goodness of their hearts. We are not delusional about Chinese intentions. Like everybody else they have personal objectives and expect certain returns on their investment. Chinese investments must benefit China or else they would not waste time or money investing. This is the same old game of war mongering developed countries seeking Global domination. 

From experience and history, the big difference between Chinese international relationship and that of the UK, USA and EU is that with Chinese involvement you see what you get. When the Chinese comes to town they bring with them investments in infrastructure and economic growth and a better deal compared to the Western First world. It is as if they studied the Foreign policies of the Western World and decided to tweak the deal. The Chinese build Roads, Bridges and transportation infrastructure. The Chinese also build Dams, Hydro-power plants and development of energy infrastructure. The Chinese invest in agriculture, the Chinese invest in education, building schools, the Chinese invest in Health building hospitals and training doctors and the Chinese invest the production sectors. Chinese involvement results in increase GDP and increase employment.

What the Chinese cannot do is circle the wagon. They cannot organize their foreign policy with other countries and international financial organization to corner you and beat you into submissions. Not yet anyway. So they must come with a better deal and all we want is a better deal.  The Chinese cannot world up on the world bank or IMF and demand they take certain actions against a country.  

When the USA, UK and EU comes to town they always seem to end up owning everything, all your wealth resources and the only thing you are left with is a mountain of debt. Of all the decades of USA, UK and EU involvement in the developing third world we have achieved nothing but wars, destabilization, poverty and suffering, while they get richer and richer. The USA, EU and UK, the Western Financial Systems and Western Media are all working together to maintain global control and make themselves richer at the expense of everyone else.

Aid from Western First World Countries was never designed to lift developing countries out of poverty. It was designed to maintain dependency poverty and suffering. Aid from Western First World countries was designed to keep developing countries on the hook of dependency. Western media goes on and on about how much aid they are giving but ignoring how many wealth resources they were extracting.

"In 2012, the last year of recorded data, developing countries received a total of $1.3tn, including all aid, investment, and income from abroad. But that same year some $3.3tn flowed out of them. In other words, developing countries sent $2tn more to the rest of the world than they received. If we look at all years since 1980, these net outflows add up to an eye-popping total of $16.3tn – that’s how much money has been drained out of the global south over the past few decades. To get a sense for the scale of this, $16.3tn is roughly the GDP of the United States. " ......

The only reason they pretend to give you anything is because they are getting back three times as much.

"What this means is that the usual development narrative has it backwards. Aid is effectively flowing in reverse. Rich countries aren’t developing poor countries; poor countries are developing rich ones."

The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (Documentary)

Very interesting documentary, If you want to understand the workings of the Bloodsucking Western World Order. What is clear is that they have legalized their corruption. It is one rule for them and another for us.

We tend to think of Africa of being a huge net debtor to the rest of the world. Combined external debt of Africa at the end of 2008 was $117 Billion. The wealth that countries like the bloodsucking UK extracted from Africa was $944 Billion, 4 times Africa’s foreign debt. Worldwide developing countries lose over $1 Trillion every year in capital flight and tax evasion. These wealth flow into countries like the USA and UK, which allows their currency to stay strong and ours weak.

Take for example the issue of USA farm subsidies, the US federal government spends more than $20 billion a year on subsidies for farm. Farmers are paid to over produce and the excess is used as a carrot on a stick to dictate US policies. The problem, the USA, EU and UK have with the Chinese is that they are changing the ball game. The Chinese is not handing out aid but rebuilding the developing world. making them less dependent, taking them out of pocket of the west, off the hook and ignoring the carrot on a stick.  

The current world order did not just happen overnight, we did not wake up one morning and it was automatically in place. No, the current world order was well designed and meticulously implemented at times by force, invasion, war, extortion and threats. It was designed and implemented by the world’s most powerful countries and it was engineered to work for them and only them, to service only them. Free Trade and Globalization was forged out of arrogance, greed and ignorance because it was supposed to implement a one-way traffic of trade. Developed First World countries were supposed to be the only Producers, Sellers, exporters and Lenders and the developing world was supposed to be Buyers, Importers and Borrowers. Like the British Colonial system, wealth was supposed to flow one way, while the rest of us live from day to day trying to get that carrot on a stick.

Loans, Devaluation and Import 

It is a bit of a shock to me now that countries who designed and engineered and implemented this current world order are the ones to turn on that world order simply because the Developing World finally started getting a little bit more of a slice. The developed First World did not factor in free movement of Corporations and people and the second some wealth started to flow back to the developing third world then it became a problem and must go.

Ghana President said Ghana is no longer interested in exporting raw material such as Cocoa. Ghana is only interested in exporting finish products. They will no longer export Cocoa to Switzerland but will export Chocolate to the world. If the Swiss wants Chocolate, then set up processing plants in Ghana to produce Chocolate. 

Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo Says Ghana will no Longer Export Cocoa to Switzerland

The Ghanaian President is determined to make sure successive generation of Ghanaian do not become victims or pawns of the International economic order but beneficiaries. Ghana will discard the mindset of dependency, aid, charity, and handout and is charting a part of self-reliance and progress. 

Words like Self-Reliance and Progress are declaration of war to the Western World Order when the people pushing Self-Reliance and Progress are Black or Brown. They do not want us out-of-pocket. 

If the Ghanaian President continue to push this dangerous  precedent, then it is only a matter of time before Ghana is declared a Communist, Totalitarian, anti-freedom, oppressive threat and become a victim of the famous Western World Order Embargo and be made to Heel!

First Ghana will come under intense attacks from the Weaponized Western Media. The Western Media is a blunt instrument, a tool, an attack dog used to change hearts and minds and enforced Western World Order Policies. These actions will make Ghana Public enemy number one and ripe for subjugation attacks.

If Jesus Christ was alive today, President of a resource rich country and not willing to give it away cheaply, then Jesus would be  declared a communist terrorist and religious extremist nutter, who is badly in need of Western liberation, freedom and democracy!


Venezuela is a classic example of what the Western World Order will do to your country and people when you do not allow them access to your Wealth Resources. This is classic embargo and destabilization 101. The USA is now commanding third party countries who were helped by Venezuela during the global recession when oil prices when up to US$150 per barrel to stab Venezuela in the back.

"The PetroCaribe arrangement has resulted in the financing of projects worth US$5 billion over the 13 years. Forty percent (40%) of the purchase price of petroleum products to be provided as concessionary loans for twenty-five (25) years. Interest charged at a rate of ONE percent (1%) per annum when prices equal or exceed US$50 a barrel. During the recession in 2008 oil prices shot up to $150 per barrel."

According to the IMF, Venezuela provided Jamaica with aid averaging about 2.5% of Jamaica's GDP over three years through its Petrocaribe program. Jamaica cannot grow its economy by 2% per year but Venezuela provided Jamaica with aid averaging 2.5% of Jamaica's GDP. In 2008 the world was plunged into a recession and Jamaica right along with it. On top of that during the global recession the world started to slide deeper and deeper into a Global Oil Crisis sending the price of a barrel of crude oil to as much as US$150.  

Petrocaribe is an agreement between Venezuela and some Caribbean territories (15 countries) to purchase oil on preferential payment conditions. It allows beneficiary nations to buy oil at market value but only pay a percentage of the cost up front. The balance to be paid over 25 years at (ONE) 1% interest and countries can provide goods and services in exchange for oil. 

At one point the Petrocaribe development fund was $320 billion which represented oil money we did not have to spend at market prices. As a region, Caribbean countries spend around 13 percent of GDP on oil imports. 

The Details:

Venezuela offers oil agreements to member countries, which must pay 60% of the bill within 90 days. The remaining 40% can be financed over 25 years at (ONE) 1% interest, should oil prices stay above $40 per barrel. Countries may also offer goods and services to pay off oil shipments, ranging from food such as beans and sugar to human capital such as doctors. Jamaica, for example, received up to 23,500 barrels per day, while Granada’s limit is 1,000 bpd. In 2012 Venezuela shipped an average of 108,000 bpd to Petrocaribe countries and over six years, Venezuela exported 232 million barrels of oil to Petrocaribe countries. 

In 2015, Jamaica paid off its US$3 billion of PetroCaribe debt for a discounted amount of "US$1.5 billion". Let me say this again, Jamaica owed Venezuela US$3 billion and Venezuela said just pay US$1.5 billion and we will consider the debt paid off. 

The Jamaican government raised the funds for this buy-back by issuing two bonds to the international capital market. The bonds were oversubscribed, raising in excess of their target. Of the US$2 billion raised, US$1.5 billion was used to service the PetroCaribe debt, whereas the remaining US$0.5 billion will be used for general budgetary purposes.

During the time of the Global Financial Recession and the Global Oil Crisis no other first world Developed countries came to help any of the developing third world countries in the region. Rich first world countries through their financial institutions offered us loans at very high rates, but none came up with any agreements that would ease our burden during our time of need. 

The developed first world countries only saw it as an opportunity to try and get us hooked on their credit lines, making us more dependent because to them dependency is control and control is profitable. To them our desperation is an opportunity for them to gain more control over us, like sharks they smell blood.

The Petrocaribe agreement protected Jamaica from super high oil prices during the global recession. High oil prices are a major destabilizing factor for Jamaica. Venezuela at the time could have done what Trinidad did, either not make the agreement or signed an MOU for an agreement and then reneged on it. They could have capitalized on the super high oil prices and made themselves richer instead of banking on poor regional countries like Jamaica.

I am not saying we are not suppose to get back the shares in Petrojam but how we proceed matters. Taking the shares by Government legislation is nasty and disgusting, if there is still room for negotiation and agreement.

“Trump's national security adviser John Bolton appeared on Fox Business and openly backed privatizing Venezuela's oil to reap U.S. profits, while the U.S. attempts to unseat President Nicolás Maduro. Journalist Allan Nairn says these comments make clear that the U.S. is undertaking a "radical-rightist revolution" in the country.”

They are just so boldfaced about it. They no longer hide it or pretend it is about something else.

Double Standards Of the White Western World Order


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