Africa Must Remove the Influence of the Colonial Powers

Italy Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni Goes Viral Again After Niger Coup - ...

I am not a fan of coups unless that coup is used to get rid of murderous dictators. The problem with coups is that it is difficult to tell if they are progressive, have the support of the people and the people's interest at heart. Most coups are done for selfish reasons by power hungry people who are almost always violent and corrupt. 

The problem with modern elections is that they are normally hijacked by wealthy, powerful special interest groups who can manipulate the process and control the narrative. They can make people vote against their own interest. For example, if rich powerful France wants a certain candidate in Niger to win an election, then they just throw money at it and use their superior influence to control the narratives, spread misinformation and manipulate the electoral process. Under these conditions, I would support a progressive coup with a quick transition to democratic elections without the influence of outside Special Interest Groups.   

Africa needs to unite and remove control from the wicked and evil White Western World Order.  For hundreds of years under White Western World Order control and influence, Africa was never being run to benefit Africans but to benefit the White Western World Order at the expense of Africans. Wealth Extraction is the colonial way and the way of the White World Order. Africa has some of the world’s most valuable resources and yet, those resources do not benefit Africans. 1 in 3 light bulbs in France, is powered by Niger's uranium but 80% of the people in Niger have no electricity. The common narrative of the White Western World Order is that Africa's corruption is the reason why Africa is poor and suffering. However the White Western World Order almost always have a hand in removing any Progressive African leader trying to put the interest of their people first. The fact is WWWO loves corruption and destabilization because it gives them more control. Normally when a place is corrupt and destabilized its wealth resources is up for grabs. By making a few choice payments to corrupt officials, the White Western World Order will have long term access to all of Africa's wealth on the cheap. So they invest in corruption, destabilization and mismanagement. If need be, they will invest in wars as a means to an end. Black and Brown Human suffering and death is beneficial to the USA, UK, EU and every member of the White Western World Order.       

The abusive White Western World Order is now circling the wagon, to do what they do best. Isolate, destabilize, inflict human suffering and war! They will do so with the help of other traitorous African nations. That is the colonial way! When will Africa stop being their puppet regimes and unite against them. Africans are now preparing to go to war with Africans on behalf of the Imperialist and Colonialist White Western World Order! The time is now for all Africans to unite, circle the wagon and take back control of the entire continent. 

The black and brown world exist within a framework created by the White Western World Order. This framework was never designed for mutual development but as a means of control. To keep us poor, suffering and dependent because dependency is control and control is profitable.

The global migration problem was bound to happen, it was inevitable because it was a problem that started centuries ago with invasion, slavery and colonization and made worse today by the cold war and imperialist foreign policy of the Western World Order. In the history of the Western World Order, they have never been about mutual development but about wealth extraction at the expense of the local population. Leaving them to suffer in poverty, while Western countries get richer and richer.  We often hear that black and brown countries only suffer because they are corrupt, but the western world order thrives on and promotes corruption in poor developing countries because corruption gives them more control and easier access to the country’s wealth resources. 

The Western World Order do not like progressive leaders in the developing world because they are more likely to stand up to them and defend the rights and development of their own citizens and that cuts into the profits of the Western World Order. So, after hundreds of years of invasion, slavery, colonization, war and imperialism, black and brown people are following the money trail. If they refuse to return the stolen wealth resources, then black and brown people have no other option but to follow the money trail and consume their stolen wealth.


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