Jamaica Cabinet Reshuffle - Much Ado About Nothing

I have been on this earth for a while now and lived through a lot of cabinet reshuffles but I have never seen a cabinet reshuffle with such fanfare and spectacle as this one, it was like all of jamaica won the lottery. The JLP have a far superior PR machine than the PNP where everything have a positive spin. All those years in opposition was not wasted because it allowed them to developed superior political skills.

I am happy like a pig in slop that Audley “village idiot” Shaw is no longer finance minister because he was a fraud. He should have been forced out completely and not given any more responsibility. Since becoming finance minister I am happy to say he has been a script reader and not a script writer. Delivering policies like a glove puppet dictated to him by Clark and the Growth council/ministry who has been running things behind.

I am eager to see what Nigel Clark the young foreign educated intellectual Technocrat will bring to the table. What will he do differently, how will he change the financial landscape? I find most young foreign educated intellectual technocrats all gravy and no meat, so I hope he delivers something different. They can talk the talk but fail to walk the walk, full a big chat and foreign education void of practical implementation!

The Young Foreign Educated Technocrat must remember that he is a MP with a constituency, local people in need and must wear two hats of responsibility. This is Representational Politics and not a corporate boardroom.

Horace Chang as minister of security? Well if it was not so serious I would laugh my fracking head off.

That being said, if the General Election was called today, I would vote for the JLP because there is not enough reasons to vote for the PNP. We are not heading over a cliff but still trying to navigate the very delicate balance of economic and social development. We are now in “prosperity times”, which is just some rubbish spouted by the delusional JLP PR machine to fool idiots. The economy and society is in a very sensitive state and it is irresponsible to shout prosperity when you do not have the means to back it up.

The JLP must know that a Cabinet Reshuffle is not a reset of the clock, your judgement time started when you assumed the government and took over an economy that was fundamentally heading in the right direction. Task with the job of moving us from strength to strength.

I cannot emphasize how poor the PNP’s Public Relation machine is compared to the well-oiled JLP’s PR machine. Nothing they say or do is gaining any traction and what use to be a scandal when the JLP was in opposition is now just a whisper in the wind.

The JLP Government spending Billions of taxpayers money on luxury SUV has gained no traction unlike the hoopla that went on when the PNP spent a fraction of that replacing government SUVs. The PM Holness drives a 2017 BMW 740Li costing JA$16.7 million. The total cost of the JLP government’ fleet is J$190 Million.

The PNP is a victim of its own success after handing over a stabler economy, the JLP is having a smoother ride compared to when the PNP took over in 2011 but that is the way it is supposed to be, moving from strength to strength!


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