The Commonwealth of Nations - Jamaica's Future?

The 54 member state of the Commonwealth of Nations was founded on December 11, 1931, back then it was called the British Commonwealth. The Commonwealth of Nations is one of the most useless and worthless organization and I challenge anyone to show how being a member of this dog and pony show contributes to our lives or our development. What does it add to our daily existence? As of 3 February 2020, 31 out of the 54 member states were Republics! 

The Commonwealth of Nations represents one of Great Britain’s biggest failure since losing its brutal empire but that is by design. It represents the failure to evolve from Slavery, Colonialism, from Commonwealth into something more meaningful and beneficial for all. 

The Commonwealth exists with no sense of direction, no sense of purpose and exist in limbo. The British have never defined their relationship with the Commonwealth Realms or Nations as a “Special Relationship”, that title is reserved for the United States of America. Up until now we have been nothing but a bad reminder of their enslavement of us and their rule over us.

The 54 member states of the Commonwealth of Nations have no real relationship outside of the normal country to country relationship. There is nothing special about us and being a member of this club does not come with any privileges or benefits. Now and then we might hear that the Commonwealth dig a well in some village or provide a scholarship but that is as far as it goes. There is no social and economic benefits being a member of this Commonwealth and it does not even offer protection from attacks, just ask Grenada. To say it is useless and worthless is an understatement, it only exist to make members of the British Royal family and delusional British people feel good and nostalgic about days of old. I am a Republican but I respect the Queen, this grand old lady have been with us for about 90 years and we are use to having her and there is love for her BUT do we really want an English King when the Queen goes? Really!

Once every couple years we get together for rubbish game no one cares about and that dog and pony show called the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting where heads of Governments take pictures with the Royal Family to show their importance by association. The British Government will then attempt to lecture us about something they consider us backwards on and that is it. NOTHING comes from the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, no grand declaration and no economic and social benefits. The only reason why the Commonwealth of Nations might have some importance this year over all other years is because the delusional British went and voted for Brexit. They voted to leave the European Union and they are trying to hedge their bets, saying rubbish like at least they still have the Commonwealth to trade with and and using the E-Word, Empire 2.0. I find this new attention and importance from the British insulting because we only have value when they the British want something, we exist for their benefit only and we need to tell the bloodsucking parasites to go to hell.

Then there is CANZUK which is a union within a union based on race, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, the inner white circle who always have each other’s back and will turn on the other non-white countries at the drop of a hat. CANZUK is NOT to be trusted because a country like Australia have been trying to exterminate their indigenous people for decades and everyone looks the other way.

Why we are still a member of this Commonwealth club, I do not know. Why we are still a Constitutional Monarchy with the English Queen as Head of State is still a mystery to me. We get nothing from the United Kingdom, who have been trying to pretend we do not exist fearing we might cost them for a change. They are busy trying to deport our people from their shores but like beaten dogs we continue to hang around the back door hoping for scraps. What little scraps the British might throw our way is NOT a gift or aid because it is not possible for the British to give former slave colonies aid. That is like mugging a man at gunpoint, pistol whipping him and robbing him of every red cent and every penny, only to turn around years later and give to him a small fraction of the wealth you stole, one penny at a time and expect a big thank you. You cannot give me back what is rightfully mine and expect me to thank you. It is not aid but a small down payment on reparation or as I like to call it Wealth Redistribution.

Puppet and Puppet Master!

The Commonwealth of Nation makes me feel used and cheap because the British knows how to get around us. They have been using tried and true colonial methods for centuries and we are so stupid we continue to fall for it. Isolate the chief leader, sing him praises make him feel privilege for the attention from white people and then bribe him with gift and before you know it the British will annex your entire country with your leader's help. I am not against moving forward but it will never be on British terms at our expense.


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