The Negative Effects of Migration and Remittance

A lot of Jamaicans, including the Governments, do not want to discuss the Negative effects, that both Migration and Remittance is having on the Jamaican society. Fearing that it might disrupt the gravy train of cash flow and those blue barrels of goodies. Most also do not want to discuss the negative effects that fatherless household is having on our society. It seems no one want to discuss cause and effects. For example, crime is a big problem but no one wants to analyze the complex and dynamic problems that is fueling crime. Criminals are a product of Jamaica Society.

Some of these barrel children will developed abnormally into adults with serious anti-social mental issues and poor problem/solution skills, lacking critical thinking. They were never socialized properly and most will become easily influenced by the lowest common denominator. They are needier and want to belong, want to fit in, want to be accepted, something they did not get at home from a loving family unit. For a child, nothing is more important than having loving mother and father and an accepting loving family unit. The warm embrace of family, is important to me. We have children who grow up having never been hugged, never been told they are loved by anyone much less their birth mother and father, who some never see.

One cannot build a Nation from barrels!

Whenever you try to engage the Government and people about this they become like ostriches and bury their heads in the sand. Remittance represents a lot of money is being injected into our society but for all the decades of this money coming into the island, I have yet to see its positive effect. I suspect most of this Remittance goes back out in the form of imports and not invested into Nation Building. Money is not the only solution to our problem, especially when you have a society suffering from self-centered greed and the desire to profile. In which case the demand for money and the worshiping of money is the source of our problem. No matter how much money some people get, they are never contented and never seem to have any money. Greed is not good, it is dangerous.

85% of Jamaican children born out of wedlock. 
Over 50% do not have a registered father
70% of the men tested are not the father

**“In Kingston, Jamaica's capital, 74 percent of households in some inner-city communities have at least one child left behind by one or both parents.”

-Now consider the fact that about 75% of children in Jamaica belongs to single female headed household and one can imagine the scale of the problem.

**“From as long as I can remember, no one in my household has ever worked in Jamaica. The entire household is supported from people living abroad,”

-A lot of people will never understand how getting Remittance can have a negative effect. The concept of getting money, for free in most people’s mind is a win-win situation, how could it have a negative effect. Why work when you can pimp out your relatives overseas. If a person can make a living from handout then why work for a living?

Begging is big business in Jamaica and selling suffering and poverty is very profitable, lucrative business. A phone call and a long sad, sorry story of suffering and poverty is all you need and before the day is over a person could be heading to western union to pick up some money or in a week or two heading down to the wharf to clear a barrel of free stuff.

 A lot of times the person being begged, is too embarrassed to say NO and embarrass to not send because they cannot afford it and local Jamaicans knows this and is not afraid to use it against them. Imagine being told, "you mean seh yu deh a foreign and brok!, a betta yu did stay a yard, wotless like", overseas Jamaicans do not want that shame, so they sacrifice their own lifestyle to provide for the beggars lifestyle. Plus a lot of the overseas Jamaicans are profilers and showoff too, trying to prove that they made it a foreign, champagne wishes and caviar dreams and have it to give. Local beggars love high profile, showoff overseas Jamaicans, they are easier to get money out off.

It is my view that remittance hurt us because people have become accustom to being taken care of and a lot of people are begging because they can, not because they must. Why bother with work, being innovative and creative, when all you need to do for a few shorts minutes is to be innovative and creative selling poverty, death and destruction to anyone willing to listen.

There are people in Jamaica who does absolutely nothing except wait for that call on one of their expensive mobile phone, from Western Union and why not … they are getting paid. Jamaica have a lot of problems but Embellishing those problems is also big business.


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