
Cuba, The United States Chew Toy and Punching Bag

There is absolutely no reason why this evil, wicked and inhumane embargo against Cuba is still in place since 1958. Except to inflict maximum human suffering and hardship, solely for American entertainment. Cuba is a poor country and not a threat to the USA or anyone. Unless the USA see the ideals of resistance to oppression as a threat. This is not about the system of Government or based on any principles, this is just a mean-spirited act of a big country against a small country. It is not about dictatorship, because the USA have supported, aid and abetted many ruthless malevolent dictators including but not limited to, the Dictators of Haiti, Augusto Pinochet of Chile, and that Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista who came to power with American help. China is a one-party Communist Country and in 2021 alone, the U.S. investments made in China were valued at 118.19 billion U.S dollars and $123.9 billion in 2020.  China was the United States' 3rd largest goods export market in 202...

White Supremacy, Trade Wars and Ukraine War

Americans are no longer pretending to care about, respect or believe in the rule of law, human rights and due process. The executive branch of the American Government is behaving like an absolute Monarch with a supreme leader that ignores all the other branches of Government and is not constrained by them as it runs amok. The executive branch ignores the rulings of the Judicial branch and threatens to have judges impeached if they go against the commands of the Maximum Overlord Leader. The legislative branch seems like ineffective spectators and the opposing party the Democratic party, is weak, divided and arguing among themselves. It is amazing to everyone watching how the president can teardown and implement hate with no checks and balance, something the United States use to pride itself on.  The Maximum Overlord Leader acts like a totalitarian despot signing his Royal Decrees also known as Executive Orders. The USA can no longer call itself the leader of the free world. It can n...

Today’s Rum-Reggae Vibes

Served Neat: Appleton 15 Year Old Black River Casks  

America's Constitution: The Truth About 'All Men Are Created Equal' | Mark Charles

What if the words "all men are created equal" never really meant all people? Uncover the hidden truths in America's founding documents and explore why our Constitution might not be as inclusive as we think. This eye-opening revelation will make you question everything you thought you knew about equality and justice.

Why did Arsenal move from South to North London?


Idiotic Rich Black People

Taking into consideration the history of black people on this planet. One must ask the question, do black people have a responsibility to perform black nation building? Almost every other racial grouping performs some form of nation building within their race. So, do rich black people have a bigger responsibility to perform black nation building? I can only describe the American definition of black wealth as throwing pearls before swine. It is petty, non-progressive, semi-literate, vulgar, cheap, trivial, comical, flamboyant and a wasteful process. Designed to appeal to semi-literate, ignorant hood-rats. Most of these rich black people are just hood-rats with money, and they exist to make white people rich, at the expense of Black Nation Building.    Most visibly rich black Americans are entertainers, which includes people who play sports. One can say most are not very intelligent and in fact semi-literate. They express themselves by splashing their wealth for all to see becau...

Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot
