
Showing posts with the label Quarry Mining

Save Puerto Bueno Mountain!

THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF THE WAR ON GREEN SPACE AND OUR ENVIRONMENT FOR PERSONAL PROFITS! Save Puerto Bueno Mountain! Stop the Destruction   Save the Environment and the Natural world! This is worth fighting for! To Prevent this from happening! Here comes the Conman Coming with his Con-plan. Holness: The Destroyer of Worlds Our version of  Thanos: The Destroyer of Worlds The Friends and Family Minions who wants to Profit at our expense! Petition: PROTECT PUERTO BUENO MOUNTAIN from QUARRYING and BIG DEVELOPMENT!. Petition: PROTECT PUERTO BUENO MOUNTAIN from QUARRYING and BIG DEVELOPMENT!. Petition: PROTECT PUERTO BUENO MOUNTAIN from QUARRYING and BIG DEVELOPMENT!. Petition: PROTECT PUERTO BUENO MOUNTAIN from QUARRYING and BIG DEVELOPMENT!. That is what Greed looks like! He knows the price of everything and the true value of nothing! Holness and his minions, became Opportunistic Environmentalist only to score Partisan Political Points, they are hypocrites to the core. From...