
Showing posts with the label Programming

The Peek and Poke of my life Growing up in Jamaica

This was My first Computer on my dining table The BASIC function PEEK returns the memory contents of the specified address I never knew I wanted to be a software developer. When I was growing up, the thought had never even crossed my mind. First, I wanted to be a farmer thanks to my grandmother on my mother's side. Then a scientist and after that, a Nation Building finger wagging Revolutionary Politician, thanks to Michael Manley. While I was going to school I never wanted holiday work, as far as I was concern, school was my work and my holiday was my holiday, for me to do what I wanted to do. One summer my aunt took it upon herself to enroll me in a US Computer Summer Camp at The University of the West Indies to which I protested, until I realized girls from all over the world was also attending this Computer Summer Camp, so reluctantly I agreed. I had lots of fun at the summer camp and met lots of people and thought that was the end of that, a productive fun su...