
Showing posts with the label China Harbour Engineering Company

Local Jamaican Contractors Like Thieves in the Temple

  Local Jamaican contractors were upset that the major contracts are going to China and not to them. This is what happens when you throw them a bone and give them a contract. They continue to do to us what they have always done, Rape and Pillage the Jamaican Society with their never-ending contract extensions for shoddy work, as they milk and breed the Taxpayers. They are consumed by greed, selfishness, self-importance and a complete disregard for human decency.  China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) will complete the St. Thomas Highway long before these thieves complete this small piece of road and it will cost more that the entire St. Thomas highway system when they are done extending and prolonging the work. They all should be arrested and charged with corruption and robbery. Who can forget the Christiana's bypass to Heaven? $800-million price tag for two lanes of a SINGLE kilometre of road. This price, we are told, did not include the cost of land already purchased or t...