
Showing posts with the label Brexit

The Brexit effect: how leaving the EU hit the UK | FT Film

Between 2021 and 2023, monthly data showed a 27% drop in UK exports and a 32% drop in imports to and from the EU, compared to how things would have been had Brexit not happened, according to the Aston report.

From Commonwealth to Global Britain/British Empire 2.0

This Global Britain/Empire 2.0 fantasy is undesirable and self-defeating. This history makes the goal of rediscovering Britain’s role as “a great, global trading nation” not only a shameful approach to international trade post-Brexit but also counterproductive. Why would former colonies embrace a Britain that not only refuses to atone for its colonial sins but worse still, envisions its future as “Empire 2.0”? Soon a white man will be King of the Black and Brown Commonwealth. Bending the Knee to King Charles? I would rather death! During the Brexit movement the British declared their intentions of creating an Empire 2.0 with the former Commonwealth countries. This simply says the British intends to once again to organize their ex-colonial countries into serving and support British interest at the expense of their very own interest. Before the British can start this Commonwealth reorganization process, they must first put in place, at various management levels of the Commonwealth people...

Brexit! An Independence for Idiots

One would think the European Union had invaded the UK, slaughtered anyone who resisted their occupation and enslaved the rest of the population for the next 200 years. Extracting all their wealth then finally leaving them poor, living in ignorance and causing great human suffering. The way the UK is carrying on, one would never know that the UK joined the European Union by choice, after multiple years of trying to join that union. Being a member of the European Union, the UK sat at the head of table as a major power-broker, mover and shaker. The UK Voted yes on 95% of EU laws but they are now talking rubbish about being independent from the EU, like slaves being released from bondage. They are a bunch of Damn fools. The fact is they were begging to become a member The UK was the first country to establish a Delegation to the ECSC in 1952 and the first country to sign an Association Agreement with the Community in 1954. The UK's applications to join the EEC in 1963 was vet...

Jamaica’s Colonial Minded Media

When it comes to reporting on the UK, all our Local media outlets have failed the Jamaican people. Take Brexit for example, it is amazing how we managed to report on Brexit without highlighting the daily racist hate mongering and hate crimes happening in the UK. Our Local media continue to make the British look civilized and the Jamaican people uncivilized. Our local media and the UK media have no problem reporting on the nasty underbelly of the Jamaican society while selectively reporting on the UK society. I will never understand why our local Jamaican media reports on the United Kingdom the way they do, with blinkers on and very selective trying to shape hearts and minds to become Anglophiles. I know for a fact that if the British media does 10 news reports on the Jamaican society then 9.5 of those 10 reports will be very negative and extremely disgusting. This is regardless of all the good things that maybe happening in Jamaica with good people, doing good work. In fact, af...

A Series of Unfortunate Events - From Brexit to Trump

A series of unfortunate events, Brexit and Trump has played right into the hands of both Russia and ISIS. EU president: Donald Trump's election has placed America's relationship with Europe at risk, EU president Jean Claude Juncker has warned. In a series of blunt and forthright remarks on the shock winner of the US elections, Mr Juncker accused the new President-elect of ignorance and said he must be taught "what Europe is and how it works". Russia supported Brexit because Russia wanted the UK out of the European Union, they were happy like a pig in slop about the outcome of the Brexit vote. The United Kingdom was like a thorn in the side of Russia because the UK would use her position as a top member of the EU to counter and block Russia's moves. On top of all that the UK was the eye, ear and mouthpiece of the USA in the EU, they both would work together to influence the EU activities, countering and blocking Russia. In fact Russia also wants the Europe...

Fear Leads to Hate and Hate to Violence - The Darkside

An American tried to explain to me that Obama being President of the United States of America proves that the USA is not a racist country. In 2012 Obama won 65,915,795 of the popular vote with 60,933,504 voting against. I believe that racism has gotten worse in America because a black man became president. There is nothing like the feeling that you are losing control, losing your position of power and status in life to push a person to over compensate for that perceived feeling of lost of power and status. Ever since slavery was abolished white people has been suffering from this perceived feeling that they are losing power, control and status. As a result of Barack Obama becoming the first black president of the world’s most powerful country, white Americans and a lot of white people globally doubled, if not tripled their racist efforts to prove that they like He-Man still have the power and status and when confronted, use the fact that they have a black president as the reason ...