
Showing posts with the label National Geographic

Jamaica's Addiction to Social Media and Negative News

An accident on Hope Road could be livestreamed, disseminated by orbiting satellites to every corner of the globe in seconds. A Jamaican living in Germany or Australia now has intimate, real-time knowledge of everything happening in Jamaica. Shown live and direct on smart devices over the would wide web. Jamaicans has fallen in love with smart phone technology and Social media. It is the first thing they reach for when anything out of the ordinary happens. Platforms from Porn hub, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook to Instagram are filled with Jamaican contents. Most Jamaicans would not reach for their phones to livestream or even record happy moments, such moments are not regarded as sharable. The contents that are mostly shared on Social Media must be off the highest shock value to generate the right amount attention and likes. There are lots of Jamaican sex videos on various sex sites, with death and destruction everywhere else, the more gruesome the better. The people taking the pictures an...