
Showing posts with the label British

The Arrogance and Ignorance of the British

Damn Thieves!  The Arrogance and Ignorance of the British will come back to haunt them, it is not if but when. WE will not forget, and We must never forget who and what they are. I am not talking individuals because some of the nicest people I have met are British. What I am talking about is the colonial institutions of the British that are silently supported by the British individuals, even the nice ones because I do not see them protesting in the streets for social justice.  So long as the British have the upper hand and controls the wealth then the people they used, abused, and stole from must never forget it, never let bygones be bygones, and never take the chip off our shoulders. So long as people like this man still exist and the colonial institutions still blood sucking colonies how can we forget, how can we not have a chip on our shoulders and how can we let bygones be bygones. So long as injustice like this exist, we must never hold hands and sing Kumbaya with the Bri...

One-sided History, Fantasy and Nostalgia

Some time ago I was having a conversation with an American friend of mine about the American war of independence. During the conversion he was going on and on about how America kicked the great British army’s ass and won their independence. I listened for a while and agreed that yes America did win the war of Independence but then asked him a simple question. At the time of the American War of Independence, can you describe to me what was happening in Britain at the time? This he could not answer, he had no idea what was happening in the Britain at the time. He knew the King and his countrymen got beaten but that was it and I was not surprised because he was never thought anything about life in the Britain during this war. He knew nothing about the mood of the people, nothing about what was happening on that side of the world. I suppose the yanks left that part out of history because it may affect the way the story was told. If you want to create Big Bang memorable event that s...

The Behavior of Nation Builders?

A country, any country is only as good as its people! So in order to understand the problems that exist in Jamaica today, one must first understand the people of Jamaica. The way they think and their relationship to the country of their birth. Do they see themselves as part of the nation building process? Three hundred and fifty years of British rule helped mold the Jamaican mind into what it is today. British rule was based on the path of least resistance because it was best to have a willing and docile people to govern over. If required, force was used to achieve this objective but for the most part the British regarded the use of force to be counterproductive and costly. The use of soft power was preferred, see yourself as inferior and your rulers as superior. By the early 1900s Britain was able to pacify the inhabitants of Jamaica simply by making them believe that they were British subjects like any other British Subject, a valid part and parcel of the grand Empire, even wi...