
Showing posts with the label oppression

Africa Must Unite and the Black Diaspora Must Unite around Africa!

The Size, Wealth and Importance of Africa! Aid from Western First World Countries was never designing to lift developing countries out of poverty. It was design to maintain dependency poverty and suffering. Aid from Western First World countries was designed to keep developing countries on the hook of dependency. Western media goes on and on about how much aid they are giving but ignoring how much wealth resources they were extracting. Africa is victim of the White Western World Order but a lot of the wounds Africa is receiving is also self-inflicted. The future of Africa is in Africa’s hands. Africa must learn from its own history and not repeat its colonial past. It must understand that the ball is in its court, it is holding all the cards. Africa owns most of the worlds resources that the rest of the world needs and as such controls the position of power. But if Africa is not progressively united then Africa will fail. Trade and investment agreements must Benefit Africa, if not, the...