
Showing posts with the label Constitution

Weaponized Constitution, Courts and the People

Growing up in Jamaica, we were brainwashed into believing the USA system of Government, Constitution and laws was superior to any other system on planet earth. The average Jamaican knows more about the US Constitution and Bill of Right than they do about the Jamaican Constitution. It is not uncommon for them in a debate to quote the US constitution as if it was the Jamaican Constitution. The average Jamaica does not know one line of the Jamaican Constitution.  Imagine my shock and awe on finding out it is just as dysfunctional as most and more dysfunctional than some. Americans love to make their system of Government sound mystical and magical. Something unique and above all the rest. Like a self-aware and self-governing Artificial Intelligence that protects the biggest idiots from themselves. I remember a friend of mine describing the US Supreme Court as if it was controlled by super intelligent, omnipotent and omniscience beings, who were all knowing, Guardians of Freedom and Dem...

Jamaica, The State Of Emergency

I am not a liberal person when it comes crime and criminals. I have no love for criminals and when a person is guilty without a shadow of a doubt I want them to suffer, if we cannot rehabilitate them. When it comes to criminals I have a Punisher like revenge mentality. I sometimes talk about taking them to the back of the fowl shed and end them. I believe the laws of the land and people around me must be respected. As much as I hate criminals, I hate the idea of innocent, law abiding people being treated like criminals. I cannot think of anything worse that having a respect for one’s self, respect for people around you, respect for society and a respect for the law of the land. To study hard, work hard and then for no reason at all, end up being treated like a damn criminal, being punish for a crime you did not commit. I would not want that happen to me. Therefore, I get so upset when a person tells me that black people are treated differently under the law because some o...