
Showing posts with the label Criminals

Jamaica, The State Of Emergency

I am not a liberal person when it comes crime and criminals. I have no love for criminals and when a person is guilty without a shadow of a doubt I want them to suffer, if we cannot rehabilitate them. When it comes to criminals I have a Punisher like revenge mentality. I sometimes talk about taking them to the back of the fowl shed and end them. I believe the laws of the land and people around me must be respected. As much as I hate criminals, I hate the idea of innocent, law abiding people being treated like criminals. I cannot think of anything worse that having a respect for one’s self, respect for people around you, respect for society and a respect for the law of the land. To study hard, work hard and then for no reason at all, end up being treated like a damn criminal, being punish for a crime you did not commit. I would not want that happen to me. Therefore, I get so upset when a person tells me that black people are treated differently under the law because some o...

Jamaica Crime Season: 2013-2014

Jamaicans follow their local crime season like how the English football fans follow the English Premiere League Football season. We even try to keep daily scores while informing anyone who would listen of the latest murder score/rate, did you hear…. 6 dead in St. James, 8 dead in Spanish Town, 5 Dead in West Kingston… This goes on and on until the end of the season when the grand total is announced and we compare it to murders of seasons past.   … 1583, 1618, 1683 , 1428, 1124, 1087, 1198….. One would think that if Jamaica was under attack and it is, from our Home Grown Terrorist, … that a bipartisan consensus on crime coupled with a joint unified statement from the political class outlining their plan of attack on the criminal elements within our society and a support for the concept of us law abiding Jamaicans against them, the murdering criminals, would have been the strong natural reaction to this daily barbaric onslaught on the Jamaican people. But inste...

When big man talk, no dogs bark!!!

When America has a problem with Jamaica they are not afraid to summon various members of our Government before their Committees for a good old fashion Bollocking… If Jamaica have any problems with America we will never hear about it because our Governments will never say and the people will get upset fearing it may affect their chances of getting the visa, so we can never publicly have a problem with America or be seen to criticize America in any way because we fear retaliation. Government ministers have been summoned to Washington (our colonial masters up north) to explain to the American congress why they have not eliminated Lotto scamming… Like a school boy being summoned to the Principle's Office Members of the committee did not hold their tongues, there was no politeness on their part as they raked Jamaica over the hot coal... Jamaica was described as a hotbed of fraudsters, it was a full scale slaughter. I am not defending these lotto scammers, they should all be taken o...