
Showing posts with the label Chinese

Mammee River Development Project - Shameless Hypocrites the lot of you

If this was a White World Order Project Everyone would be smiling with Glee! I noticed when the Europeans and Americans are bulldozing our lovely countryside to build their god-awful, tacky, generic one-dimensional All-Inclusive Hotels that extracts 80% of the profits, or bulldoze the natural world to extract bauxite, everyone is quiet, everyone looks the other way or smile with pride. Oh they love us, the white western world order love us and most people feel this way because they are colonially conditioned and stewed to subjugated perfection.  The White World Order have free access to Bulldoze, Build and Fence off Jamaica! If Jamaica wants more tourists, do more trees have to go? But when the Chinese going to build, all hell breaks loose. It is this bias hypocrisy that gets to me. I remember the mass movement against Goat Island which I supported. After which I watched the war on the environment in Kingston and St. Andrew and the countryside, as every piece of land and beach fron...

Borrowing Chinese Money for Vanity Projects

One thing about Chinese loans is that they never force you to borrow their money and they never tell you what to spend the borrowed money on. Their approach is more like; we have some money to lend you and so what do you want to build? In the past we have had strings attached loans from the USA and UK sources and they dictate what we can spend the loan on, like importing potatoes from the USA. Asking if you want a loan and what do you want to build are questions that can only be asked of and answered by, mature people with vision, innovation, and imagination. Because the answers to these questions must be centered around our collective needs as a society and not what we want. We see some African countries when faced with Chinese money, go directly to what they want bypassing their country’s needs. Angola decided to borrow Chinese money and built a huge mainly uninhabited city called Kilamba Kiaxi. Borrowing money to build vanity projects is dangerous especially when you are a poor ...

The Current World Order - Dependency is Profitable

The current world order, created mainly by the USA, UK, EU, along with other White Western First World powers. The current world order was set up to benefit the White Western World at the expense of everyone else by creating a Cycle of Dependency on Western First World powers.  Dependency is Addictive and Profitable . Just like selling crack and Opioid is profitable because consuming crack and opioid sets up a cycle of dependency which drives profits. The current world order was set up to enforce a sense of low self-esteem and low self-worth because the cycle of dependency works best that way. The dependents must believe they cannot survive without the rulers of the Current World Order and within the context they created. The Global South must believe they need them to survive. That is the Imperialist and Colonialist playbook and why empires were so profitable for the colonizers. Our Colonial Masters had the ability to convince the oppressed and subjugated people tha...

Jamaica Chinese Invasion? Well it will not be an Invasion if we both Benefit!

This is not our first Chinese invasion, on July 30 1854, the first large group of 267 Chinese immigrants came from Hong Kong, later that year 205 Chinese workers demanded to leave Panama fearing yellow fever, arrived in Jamaica on November 1 and 18, one of the ships was called the Vampire. A decade later in the 1860s another set of Chinese arrived from Trinidad and British Guiana and two decades later, in the 1880s, another group of 680 immigrants arrived, this time directly from China. Most were not welcomed at first with open arms by the newly emancipated slaves who saw them as competition. Over the many decades since then we have seen several mini-invasion and several cases of Chinese leaving Jamaica in mass for greener pastures in The United States and Canada, some claiming discrimination by local Jamaicans and others using Jamaica as a stepping stone to get to more fertile grounds overseas. Out Of Many Cultures, The People Who Came: The Arrival Of The Chinese The Chinese ...