
Showing posts with the label Black in America

The Dehumanisation and Demonisation of Black People

I was sitting in the front yard watching my little nieces and nephews play, running around with not a care in the world. I watched the bigger kids of my family with their friends drive in and back out again, chatting and laughing. I must say, I am happy we live in country like Jamaica, where for the most part we are just Normal Human Beings . I am happy that Jamaicans have the chance to grow up in a society void of daily engineered institutionalized racism, designed to dehumanize black people.  The bigger children and their friends will be leaving for colleges and universities soon. Some will go local, others will migrate to the USA, UK and Europe but I am happy that they got this chance to grow up with a concept of self, knowing who they are without the pressure and prejudices of race. We try our best to describe to them the world they will face once they leave the comfort of our small beloved island home and we hope they are confident enough, strong enough and full of self respe...