
Showing posts with the label America

Fear Leads to Hate and Hate to Violence - The Darkside

An American tried to explain to me that Obama being President of the United States of America proves that the USA is not a racist country. In 2012 Obama won 65,915,795 of the popular vote with 60,933,504 voting against. I believe that racism has gotten worse in America because a black man became president. There is nothing like the feeling that you are losing control, losing your position of power and status in life to push a person to over compensate for that perceived feeling of lost of power and status. Ever since slavery was abolished white people has been suffering from this perceived feeling that they are losing power, control and status. As a result of Barack Obama becoming the first black president of the world’s most powerful country, white Americans and a lot of white people globally doubled, if not tripled their racist efforts to prove that they like He-Man still have the power and status and when confronted, use the fact that they have a black president as the reason ...

American Love Affair with Guns and Illegal Weapons Export

Mass Shootings are as American as Apple Pie! I have absolutely no faith in America to change its guns laws, every time something like this happens Americans run around saying the things people want to hear, however what they are doing is to wait for time to pass until they can go back to same old, same old, more guns and more money. They may put in place some retarded stop gap measures like the temporary band on assault weapons that expired in 2004 and now they are calling for the same ban again. Americans love their guns it is a part of their popular culture and will not let any one take it away from them. I will be shocked if anything substantial comes from this, I hope to be wrong, I see the pro-gun people just waiting for emotions to drop so they can renew their fight. The fire arm business generates $31 billion in 2011 and no amount of elementary school kid’s life will be allowed to affect the profit margin…. Misery loves company… Fox news have been interviewing the pro-g...