
Showing posts with the label Quality of Life

Keep Calm and Simplify Life

The more I travel and the more I communicate with people in different countries both in person and online, and the more I explore global news and current affairs as it happens in countries around the world. Is the more I have grown to appreciate my Jamaica and my Jamaican people even more.  I am not saying we are better than anyone. I am not saying we are superior to anyone and the fact that for the most part we do not think on those levels make me appreciate us more. As a matter of fact most of us Jamaicans know our limitations and enjoy our mediocre simple life. I will go even further to declare simplification of life is a much better way of living than an overly complex life. Simple things make my day and life worth living. Like finding a big East Indian mango, golden in colour, ripened to perfection and sweeter than sugar and it is big enough to be a single meal. I spent one part of my life chasing the dreams of my parents, thinking about corporate ladders, having...

Working Your Fingers to the Bone and an Early Grave!

If you are going to work hard and work your fingers to the bone then you should at least make sure you are doing it for the right reasons and those reasons must bring you happiness and contentment. I have nothing against hard work, if the purpose of that hard work is to improve the quality of your life, meaning you have time to enjoy life and leisure. Human beings do not live forever, in the scheme of the universe, we only live at a blink of an eye. We were born to die, the day we were born the only thing that was certain is our death, which makes how we live that much more important. All I am saying is that we all should be careful of adopting this work till you drop attitude, when most times we do not see what we are working for. As far as I am concern we work so we can afford to live a quality life, a happy and content life but how can you do that if you spend every waking hour and second slaving away and then we drop dead… Buff! Trust me, the second you drop dead buff, they...

The Pursuit for True Freedom and Authentic Long Lasting Happiness for All

As we laugh, party, dance, build new relationships, watch television, enjoy the Olympics, live on Facebook and twitter, send our kids to school, worry about GSAT, CXC, SATs, GMAT, MCATs, etc, strive to move up the corporate and social ladder, go to job interviews and so as we human beings on this planet participate in these and our myriad other rituals I wonder... As a curious observer of life on this planet today I wonder how many others notice... Notice that the institutions of politics, finance, energy, education, health care, and most importantly the ecosystem are headed toward near-certain collapse. Notice the amount of trees that are destroyed daily, notice the amount of topsoil erosion, habitat destruction, irreversible loss of biodiversity, disappearing rainforests, the dead rivers, lakes and seas, the imminent water crisis, Notice our almost, total dependence on fossil fuels and the corruption that drives the industry. Who notices the political trend toward fa...

Seeing the Beauty of Life in its Challenges

NUFAZ SELF PRESERVATION "MY BODY CAN DO THINGS YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE" (If It's Treated Right) What do you want yours to do?  - Martino Redwood In writing these E-Mails, I share with you my opinions on many things. My remarks, observations and recommendations to you regarding health and fitness serve to support all the services that I offer, services which seek to promote mind-body unity essential to the optimal functioning of the human system. Fitness coaching, shiatsu, the talks on spirituality and the 10 day eating experiment are all designed to be part of a whole system, one that embraces every aspect of the human experience; mental, physical and spiritual when considering health and well being. It is very tempting to see advocates of any particular ideology (spiritual, dietary or physical) as slightly arrogant, they promote their modalities with such passion almost as if to say that when you embrace THIS WAY (vegetarianism/raw foodism/fruitarianism/macrobiot...