The Behavior of Nation Builders?

A country, any country is only as good as its people! So in order to understand the problems that exist in Jamaica today, one must first understand the people of Jamaica. The way they think and their relationship to the country of their birth. Do they see themselves as part of the nation building process? Three hundred and fifty years of British rule helped mold the Jamaican mind into what it is today. British rule was based on the path of least resistance because it was best to have a willing and docile people to govern over. If required, force was used to achieve this objective but for the most part the British regarded the use of force to be counterproductive and costly. The use of soft power was preferred, see yourself as inferior and your rulers as superior. By the early 1900s Britain was able to pacify the inhabitants of Jamaica simply by making them believe that they were British subjects like any other British Subject, a valid part and parcel of the grand Empire, even wi...