That Oh So Special Time

I recently came across a Jamaica travel video done by called Hands-On History . It features Bellefield Great House, Montego Bay. Not one to pass up anything to do with great houses, one of my favourite archetypes, I settled down to watch the little 7-minute flick. Sepia hued Bellefield Great House coutesy of Voyage TV To the beat of African kette drums a disembodied voice says: “It really is a step back in time, you know, in the heyday of our sugar production. So, you know, that’s kind of what we try to do here: take people back in time, you know, to 1805 before the abolition of slavery when Jamaica was a really special place….” !!! “Special place” FOR WHOM??? Ms Rousseau, owner of the disembodied voice, takes Voyage TV’s host and the viewer on a tour of the Great House and the sugar mill whilst bringing us up-to-date on the illustrious history of the Karr-Jarrett family; all to the sounds of a Rastafarian ch...