Jamaica is The Riverton City Dump of the Exporting World

Jamaica have become the Export Dumping Ground My impression of Jamaicans when I was growing up was that we were very picky eaters. Always concerned with the quality of our food. Always thinking about where it came from, who was preparing it and what was in it. We did not eat out much, simply because there was nothing out there that could beat a home cooked meal and we really did not trust people we did not know making our food. Back in the days, you could not get most Jamaicans, well the ones I know, to eat out and even if they did eat out it would be for a light snacks. After that they would go home and enjoyed their nice Fresh Hot Home cook meals. I cannot imagine leaving grandma’s home cook stew peas and rice with the squidly dumplings to subject my tender tummy to the great unknown. I do not know where this food was coming from, how fresh it was and what was in it. Dried Dead Rats Found in Rice Imported from USA Just a couple weeks ago Jamaica imported 1,500 Metric Tonn...