Temple of Thieves!

There is an older member of my family who is very religious. A bit lonely and getting on in age, he spends a lot of his time going to and from church. Also entertaining various church members at his home. It has reached the point where these church people seems to come and go as they please. This older person seems powerless to do anything about it at times and at other times thankful for their company as he would declare that they are his church brothers and sisters and in his mind that means a lot. It has come to our attention that certain top members of his church are actively trying to transfer the property of this individual into their names. They are trying to get him to sign over his house to the church.The church elders have requested the title to the house and have declared that they have a burial funds, stating that they will ensure that he gets a proper burial when he dies. They have even gone to the trouble of sending over various contractors to measure his house and t...