Some Daily Post and Chatter

Andrew Holness vs. Audley Shaw I remember the run up to the 2011 Election, when JLP supporters were pushing Andrew Holness as the only solution to Jamaica’s problems. I remember people singing his praises claiming that he was a different leader, a new type of leader, a 21st century leader, a break from the old fashion firebrand dark-hearts brand of leadership, that have done more harm than good and has taken Jamaica nowhere. Now as a result of a Leadership challenge, the very same people who placed this man on a pedestal as the second coming, are now shouting that they want the firebrand dark-hearts brand of leadership back in charge of the party, so they can deliver fire and brimstone to the PNP. These supporters told the people to vote for Andrew because in the General Election because he was the best of the best. It now seems that all that was a pack of lies and they were wrong. They are now telling the people that Audley Shaw represents the Best of the Best, their man of th...