The Anatomy of Selecting or De-Selecting A Political Party!

How do you decide who to vote for in a General Election? How do you determine if an elected Government was a success or a failure and does that affect your electoral decisions? For many Jamaicans the decision as to who they should vote for is not even a decision since some people behave as if they are genetically predisposed to vote for only one party regardless of the situation or facts, as a matter of fact the concept of “Facts” does not even factor into the equation. We are used to hearing things like “from me born me a socialist or from me born me a labourite”… as they declare that their mother, father and grandparents supported only one party and they will forever carryon that tradition of supporting the same party, they are Labourite or socialist till they die, through thick or thin. I grew up hearing things like this from my family but quickly realized that this type of thinking made no damn sense. The selection or election of a political party to assume the role of Governm...