Is Who Mash Up Jamaica? ... IT WASN'T ME!!

It is clear that EmanciPendence is not a time for celebration, it is not a time to celebrate great milestones in history and bask in our greatness but a time for expressing great shame and throw blame. Not too long ago I posted a response on the Gleaner Facebook site declaring that every single Jamaican regardless of Geographic location, regardless of age and gender was responsible for the Social and Economic problems, condition and state of Jamaica. As a result of posting this I was bombarded with several responses from people declaring that they had nothing to do with what was and is happening in Jamaica. They had nothing to do with the condition of the country and the state of our society and economy. These people were not only declaring their innocence but started identifying individuals and entities who they consider was the real guilty culprits, the people who should be taken round back, placed against the wall and shot dead. One person declared it was the Ruling class, ...