In Jamaica Poverty is the Mother of all Excuse!

In Jamaica Poverty is the Mother of all excuse, we use poverty as a way to justify some of the worst disgusting acts known to man. I must admit that I now have a callous disregard and deep-seated resentment for members of the Poverty Screaming Bloodsucking Class who have mastered the fine art of living their easy going merriment filled lives at the expense of everyone else, just by screaming poverty. A friend of mine tried to explain to me that the amount of nightly merriment in Jamaica is required because the people are poor and it is a means of distracting them from that poverty and that if it was not for the nightly merriment and dutty-rub-up then crime would be higher but I argued that the reverse is in fact true, that they are poor because of the amount of Nightly Merriment and their up-side-down lifestyle priorities. Jamaica is overflowing with the most Hennessy white drinking poor people who drive the latest model trend setting automobiles with technologically advanced elect...