In Jamaica Poverty is the Mother of all Excuse!

In Jamaica Poverty is the Mother of all excuse, we use poverty as a way to justify some of the worst disgusting acts known to man. I must admit that I now have a callous disregard and deep-seated resentment for members of the Poverty Screaming Bloodsucking Class who have mastered the fine art of living their easy going merriment filled lives at the expense of everyone else, just by screaming poverty.

A friend of mine tried to explain to me that the amount of nightly merriment in Jamaica is required because the people are poor and it is a means of distracting them from that poverty and that if it was not for the nightly merriment and dutty-rub-up then crime would be higher but I argued that the reverse is in fact true, that they are poor because of the amount of Nightly Merriment and their up-side-down lifestyle priorities. Jamaica is overflowing with the most Hennessy white drinking poor people who drive the latest model trend setting automobiles with technologically advanced electronic mobile communication devices strapped to their hips but who are comfortable creating and living in filth.

The Link between Poverty and living in Filth.
For over a year now the Chikungunya virus has been making its rounds in South America and the Caribbean so it was not if it would make it to Jamaica but when it would make it to Jamaica. It was declared that the virus is transmitted to people by mosquitoes much like dengue fever that rolled through Jamaica on a number of occasions when I was a younger so the preventative measures for limiting the spread of the Chikungunya virus and Dengue are the same… Clean up the millions of tons of garbage and filth that the Jamaican people are so happy to live among like pigs in slop.

It is the year 2014 and some Jamaicans are still throwing their garbage everywhere and anywhere they feel like because they are nasty and developed a sense of entitlement. Jamaicans feel that somehow it is OK to throw their garbage everywhere and anywhere and that it is the responsibility of others to clean up after them as some people still eat their box food, then throw the box of half eaten food out their car windows.

Every year The Jamaica Environment Trust hold their annual beach cleanup event where they try to educate the population regarding the need to keep their environment clean and tidy. But every year tons of garbage accumulates around our coastline and in our communities, which gets larger and larger. Jamaica is drowning in garbage and plastic and some people seem to enjoy living among this filth. They remind me of the movie Idiocracy, a 2006 American satirical science fiction comedy.

The excuse some people give for this mountainous buildup of filth is that people are poor and they do not know better, to which I say …Rubbish! I pointed out before that there was a time when being poor did not mean being low class and being poor does not mean being nasty and disgusting because there was a time when people were poor but proud and take pride in how they lived and pride in their surroundings. Pestilence, Epidemic and Pandemic is supposed to wipe out Nasty people, it is nature’s way of eliminating nasty people from this wonderful planet and the problem is nature is not eliminating them fast enough.

We are who we are simply because somehow we have developed this sense of entitlement, greed, selfishness, nastiness, self-importance and a callous disregard for our Environment. Stop using poverty as an excuse for not having any morality, self-respect, personal responsibility and basic human decency... There is no link between being nasty and disgusting and being poor.

The Link between Poverty and Crime in Jamaica.
The Link between Poverty and Crime in Jamaica is the Mother of all Excuse because using poverty to justify crimes helps to legitimizes crime. A man could kill his own mother and then declare that is because he is poor and some people would believe that. Jamaica’s murder rate has nothing to do with Poverty in Jamaica. We often say that poverty is the root of violence, if so then it stands to reason that the poorer a country is the more violence and crime that country should have but that is not true.

Jamaica is not the poorest country in the world, not by a long shot and if you ranked the world’s countries based on their GDP Per capita income and the percentage of people living below the poverty level with the poorest being at the top and the riches at the bottom then Jamaica is ranked 91 according to Global Finance magazine (October 30, 2014). Which means there are 90 countries out of a total of 184 that are poorer than Jamaica and yet Jamaica is ranked 6th in the world when it comes to the murder rate which is an improvement because for many years we were ranked 2nd in the world.

Most of the countries that are poorer than Jamaica does not even make the top 10 with regards to the murder rate, most not even the top 100. Belize which is ranked 90 with GDP Per capita, one point poorer than Jamaica, is now ranked 3rd in the world when it comes to murder rate. Saint Kitts and Nevis is ranked 125 with GDP per capita, 34 points richer than Jamaica but ranked 8th highest murder rate in the world. There are countries that are dirt poor, stricken by famine and drought and yet they do not even come close to Jamaica’s murder rate. So, one must ask, why we are so violent when we are NOT the poorest country in the world, are we genetically predispose to violence? The three major countries that Jamaicans migrate to and all seem to have problems with violent Jamaicans and are forced to set up various anti-Jamaican-Gang police task force to deal with Jamaican criminals. Jamaicans are also a big part of these countries prison population. For example, in the UK Jamaicans are the third largest foreign contingent sitting in Her Majesty's Prison.

Country: Murder rate
Ghana 1.7
Sierra Leone 1.92
Liberia 3.22
Cuba 4.19
Rwanda 4.51
Zambia 5.85
Zimbabwe 6.74
Tanzania         7.01
Senegal 7.3
Eritrea 7.46
Gambia 9.07
Angola 9.65
Nigeria 9.79
Haiti 10.04
Botswana 10.53
Rep Congo 10.88
Ivory Coast 11.84
Uganda 11.84
Dem Rep Congo             13.36
Trinidad and Tobago 30.88
South Africa 34.27
Jamaica 43.21

The lack of Social Statistics:
I do not like crime or criminals but I understand certain crimes and criminals. I understand gang violence and I understand financial related crimes. I do not like it and do not want any crime or criminality but I can put certain crimes into perspectives. Up until now on hearing a report of a crime against some person, I could say, something in a something. A person got caught up in some under the table, dodgy dealings with the wrong person and met some sort of retribution as a result.

However, when it comes to crimes against children and old people, I am at a lost because I do not understand it and I cannot frame it into context or perspective. I am totally confused by it and can only conclude that mental illness is more rampant among the Jamaican population that was previously thought. This is nothing but a cold, callous disregard for the life of children and human life in general and we do not know we, the Jamaican society reached this depth of depravity. BUT the writing has been on the wall since we have been living with over 1000 murders per year for many decades now.

I do not understand how we intend to solve any of our problems without a detail study of our society. The good thing about social statistics is that it highlights where the problem is, in our society using actual data. Without this data, all we are going to do is guess where the problem is, with everyone having a different opinion on the source of the problem. With the proper statistical data, we could quickly highlight for example what is the driving force behind crime and criminality.

What do we know about all the criminals that are currently locked up in our prisons across the island? Have we studied their history, to see if we can find some common thread that took them down this path? It is far too easy to just say poverty and very simplistic to think that all we need to do is provide them with a job and all would be well. It seems a lot of people's brains are not wired for a job. There are countries on this planet that are poorer than Jamaica with very high poverty rates and still do not have Jamaica's crime rate. Most not even close.

The fact is we do not know what drives criminality, yes we can have a good guess but we really do not know for sure. How were they socialized and brought up in our society? On an individual level they may seem as isolated cases but I am sure once we start to collect and collate their detail data we will see patterns that exist within our society that is driving them to where they are now. We need detail study of our unique reality, what drives people to be so callous and cold towards their fellow human being.

For all the criminals in our prison system we have no idea who they really are. We have no idea about their family history, how they were socialized and brought up and how that might contribute to their lack of education and criminal history. Now if we had been collecting and collating this data for decades we would have been able to identify patterns and problems that would could address and provide real targeted social intervention.

I know for a fact that most Jamaicans including the Government do not want a detail study of the effects of migration on crime and society because everyone is too concerned with the remittance money. I also know most do not want a detail study of the effects of single family household on children. How much of our criminals in locks up are barrel pickneys? How much are from single family households? How much of them were born to parent who were children themselves? How much of them were kicked out of their houses at a young age? I could go on and on. I read the story of Ladaisha “Mackerel” Francis and how she was thrown out of her house at 15 and had to do whatever a young girl had to do to survive. Under the same circumstances I wonder what a young boy would do to survive. Young woman can find man but young men are more likely to find a gun.

Merriment By Night and Scream Poverty By Day
We enjoy more dance and merriment than most, we occupy a perfect ecological position, we are blessed with almost perfect fertile soil and great climate, we have the right amount of sunshine and rain and we are almost never hungry except through carelessness and upside down priorities… But what we do have is an Over Abundance of Greed, selfishness and laziness that is driving our desire to murder each other so we can take what other people have and live the high life… In 2009 Government licensed 17,600 entertainment events and in 2014 Government licensed 24,000 entertainment events with 66% of the events were street Dances.

We are who we are simply because we have developed this sense of entitlement, greed, selfishness, self-importance and a callous disregard for human life. Stop using poverty as an excuse for not having any morality, respect, responsibility and human decency...

As a small, poor developing country where most of our development depends on the mercy of others, we seem to have an overabundance of self-entitlement, greed, selfishness, self-importance and a callous disregard for human life and the welfare of others and a callous disregard for our Environment, nasty to the core. All this coupled with diminishing morality, lack of self-respect, poor personal responsibility, piss poor Problem/Solution skills and a twisted confusion that Freedom and Indiscipline is one and the same. Some wear their ignorance like a badge of honour, their pride and joy.

Government Corruption: Outameni 

There comes a certain time in the life of every Government when it begins to suffer from an overabundance of arrogance, especially when that Government can do something like taking the contributions of hard working Jamaicans and bail out their friend and company and not provide a proper explanation as why they did what they did. There is no defending this use of NHT money to bail out this rubbish company, this was not an investment and this was not done in the national interest. Everything about this says this was personal. It is irrelevant who knew what and when, the fact is it was not the JLP who used NHT money to bail out this entity and as such the JLP is without blame and completely within their rights to call out the Government in this unjustified act. It is beyond me how anyone can defend this situation especially when the explanation given by the Prime Minister is so poor and a spin, trying to salvage something from the last two weeks but her delivery and explanation leaves a lot to be desired as she gets bogged down trying to defend her honour which has nothing to do with this.

The final words cannot come from the PNP Government and the final words cannot come from the JLP opposition. This is where we need a credible entity that acts only in the public's interest, outside of politics and the issue should have been taken up by that entity after concerns were raised, an investigation done and a report made public.. Fact: Both the Government and the PNP and the Opposition and the JLP lie and are not to be believed or taken at their words... It is their nature to lie and spin things in their favour... BUT let’s not act like only this Government spin things because I remember the period 2007-2011 was the never ending spin zone....

The PNP Government brought this on themselves and the PNP Government should be blamed for this and the people must remember this come election time. Our political class is why too careless with the public’s money, they need to be more considerate and understanding and act with respect for the tax payers and NHT contributors of this country. In the past I supported the Government’s use of NHT money to prop up the national budget which was a sacrifice done in the national interest but this is NOT in the national interest and you will NOT get my support on this issue and I will join those who are oppose to this disgusting act and condemn this Government for it.

We outlived the 1989 The Zinc Scandal ($500 million)
We Outlived 1991 The Furniture Scandal ($10.6 million)
We Outlived 1991 The Shell Waiver Scandal ($29.5 million)
We outlived 2001 The NetServ Scandal ($220 million)
We outlived 2002 NHDC and Operation Pride ($5.5 billion)
We outlived 2006 The Trafigura Scandal
We outlived 2006 Solid Waste Scandal ($2 billion)
We outlived 2006 The Whitehouse scandal ($2 billion)
We outlived 2007 Cuban Light Bulb Scandal
We outlived the “Protecting Dudus Scandal”
We outlived the we did not pay Manatt, Phelps & Philips Scandal
We outlived the Mabey and Johnson Bribery Scandal,
We outlived the Hon. Mike Henry: House Purchase/Upgrade Scandal,
We outlived the Ed Bartlett Tourism Minister Office Scandal
We outlived the Hon. Mike Henry: JDIP Scandal
We outlived the Denial of US help and Spy Plane Scandal,
We outlived Tivoli Military Invasion and constant curfew and state of Emergency
We outlived the Desecration of the Jamaica Flag Scandal in 2012
And we will outlive The Outameni Scandal…

The Jamaican Economy and the IMF
If a man falls 50 miles into a deep hole and lived then managed to climb 1.8 miles from the bottom to the top in the first couple days, then he made marginal progress but is still a long way from the top and is still far down in a deep hole.

The news that Jamaica passed another IMF test is welcomed by me because this news could have been so much worse and in the past it was. Failing an IMF test is like defaulting on a loan and ruining your credit ratings which affects your relationship with not only the IMF but the World Bank and every other international financial institutions with which Jamaica must do business. I have read all the reports from these international financial institutions regarding Jamaica and for once they are all singing our praises.
Filipino Curly, "It's so bouncy! I really like how bouncy the Filipino Curly is. It makes my face stand out and makes me look more mature. This was my first time putting in hair and having curls and I love it."... JA$1.2 Billion worth of Brazilian weave
I know a lot of people are upset with the terms of the IMF agreement but the fact is the IMF did not come to Jamaica but Jamaica went to the IMF and what part of our historical relationship with the IMF gave you the idea that the IMF terms were easy? Not to mention, who would be careless enough to lend Jamaica money on Jamaica’s terms? We do not have a leg to stand on. We export about US$2 Billion in goods and Import US$5.5 billion plus we have never had a balance budget in the history of this country, we are deadbeats with poor credit ratings. You can pass the blame around as much as you like, if it makes you sleep better at night but at the end of the day Jamaica is in a hole that was dug by us the Jamaican people.

There was a time when all we could get was high interest rate loans and our national debt was 145% of GDP and rising, these days I am seeing marginal decrease in that figure from 124% to 135% and we had 8 consecutive quarters of marginal growth which also could have been worse. So just maybe the JLP bringing back the IMF into our beds was a blessing in disguise because it forces us to operate within a framework and the fact is we are not discipline enough nor mature enough to create a framework of our own and to work within it.

It took us several decades to dig this hole we are currently in and it will take us several more decades to dig ourselves out of it. There is no quick and easy fixes to our problem… no quick money let off regardless of who is in power because the Economic Reform Program is the last and only straw regardless of what the Power hungry members of the Political class might say… Regardless of who becomes the next government they must put our books in order and they must follow the mandate of the International Financial community from who we borrow the money to buy Henny White, Audi A6 and import over JA$1.2 Billion worth of Brazilian weave. The last people I would listen to in order to judge progress is merriment loving Jamaican people who live carelessly by night and scream poverty by day, these people cannot see past the current content of their pockets and live only for today. You might be poorer today because of economic austerity but the country is in a better position with a little more pep in its step, like a spring we have recoiled a bit. If the people lending us the money to live our over the top lavish lifestyle is satisfied then who am I to argue, after all it is their money.

My 2016(?) General Election Prediction
In 2011 I declared that the JLP would win the General Election, so imagine my shock when the final results came and they lost by a landslide. Today November 16th 2014, I am declaring that the JLP will win the 2016(?) General election, simply because it is almost impossible for a Government who is implementing austerity measures to win an election with the voting merriment loving public, I do not see it happening and in winning the election the Opposition will benefit from the years of bitter medicine that the PNP was forced to implement. The Government in the face of almost certain election defeat should not only continue implementing austerity but they should double their efforts and push through more of the Economic Reform Program regardless of what the merriment loving, Poverty Screaming Bloodsucking class might think.

If the JLP wins the next General Election they will inherit an economy with a little/marginally better economic indicators than the PNP inherited in 2011 and I hope the JLP will continue to implement Economic Austerity measures and take this country from strength to strength and not Borrow IMF money to prop up the exchange rate and create a Matrix like, Henny White drinking, weave wearing, Audi A6 driving perception of merriment progress.

Andrew “Mary Long Tongue” Holness Turned Informa
The Opposition leader Andrew Holness on Thursday met with the four-member International Monetary Fund Review team and two members of his Economic Advisory Council and decided to become an Informa and bus pon di Government… It seems to me that Andrew Holness would like nothing more than for Jamaica to fail and the people to suffer so that he Andrew Holness can win the next election and become Prime Minister of Jamaica at all cost, it seems greed and selfishness runneth over. So much so that he feels the need to spread discontent about us to the international financial community, he wants failure, he needs it for his political career to survive.

It is one thing for us Jamaicans to kick up Ruckus about Government corruption but to try and involve outsiders for your own benefit Mr. Holness is disgusting... I am trying to figure out what this internal breach/corruption by the Government has to do with IMF, now who is involving whom in our internal affairs? If this was a court case then it would be regarded as leading the witness.

Shaw accuses IMF boss of political interference (July 1st 2014) … Opposition spokesman on finance and planning, Audley Shaw, has accused managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, of interfering in Jamaica’s internal politics, during her two days visit to the island. "Quite properly should have stayed out of our political affairs,” Shaw told OBSERVER ONLINE” Shaw accuses-IMF-boss-of-political-interference

It seems the grape vine was correct… How come Holness met with the IMF team without his finance minister Audrey Shaw… The grape vine said after Audrey cuss out the IMF, after the IMF boss-lady visit, they now want nothing to do with him...

What the IMF knows or do not know is not relevant here, that is not the issue here, I am sure the members of the IMF responsible for Jamaica read the local papers and are in tune with what is happening... So that is not the issue... What would take a man who wants to lead and declare that he wants the best for his country to then throw that country under the bus the first chance he gets is what is shocking and most disgusting about Andrew Holness... If the IMF have a problem regarding Government corruption then I am sure the IMF can pick up the phone and call the members of the Government with whom they deal with constantly... But for the leader of the opposition to act like “Mary long tongue” in the worst bad minded kind of way, is almost treasonous and if people were not so partisan and diehard they would call a spade and spade... I can declare they the PNP were corrupt dealing with NHT and I can declare that the leader of the opposition doing what he did was also disgusting and showed a lack of judgment.

Mr. Holness’s action makes him look like a tattle-tail school boy in short pants running to tell the teacher/overlords … The opposition leader tells the international financial community that the Government is corrupt and might fail getting a wage agreement and I must ask to what end? Knowing that we are at the end of our rope, is Mr. Holness trying to create a rift between the Government, people and the IMF so he can capitalize on it… With regards to Outameni Mr. Holness was already holding the upper hand, we are all outraged by it but to then turn around and do something like this… is disgusting and makes me question the man, well that and the “Fugly” half-built house on the hill… He can rake Portia and the PNP over hot coal as much as he wants but when he decided to throw all of Jamaica into the fire, well that is where I draw the line…

Jamaica Land of Importers
Move To Cut US 15m form goat sheep imports

In 2010, it was reported that Jamaica imported 1.3 million kilogrammes of goat meat, valued at US$5.2 million and that the country needs approximately three million goats to attain self-sufficiency. And in 2014 it was reported that Jamaica imported over US$15 million in annual imports of chevon and mutton. Jamaica imported US$10.7 million in sheep meat (mutton) and US$4.6 million in goat meat (chevon) in 2012… Five years ago, some 2,591 metric tonnes of lamb and mutton were imported, while local production during the period stood at 15 metric tonnes..

So here we have a market that is valued US$15 million but we have no local food source to tap into that market, Just think about it, a nuff weave and A6 US$15 million can buy…. We are turning up our noses at US$15 million per year while financing foreign economies and you people want growth? I laugh in your face… It is not the Government’s job to farm animals but it is there job to help us to get into farming if we value farming… Surely I know we all value money but not work… We borrow US$15 million with interest and spend it to import something we can produce…


  1. This is really a book. I skimmed through most of it as I don't have the time right now to read it in its entirety. One of them that struck me was that the Jamaican government licensed 17,600 dances in 2009 and in 5 years that climbed to 24,000!

    Now the dancehall is not your quintessential bedrock of morality, so in 2017 we see a degradation of society with a high crime rate and young men who are the product of this dancehall influence. Is it any wonder we are reeling from crime and immorality?


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