Jamaica Is NOT a British Penal/Prison Colony

First let’s clear up a few facts: The vast majority of Jamaicans understand that the United Kingdom of Great Britain have a sovereign right to decide who should or should not stay in or visit the UK. With that we have no problem and see eye to eye The vast majority of Jamaicans understand that it is the United Kingdom of Great Britain sovereign right to deport anyone they do not want in their country. With that we have no problem and see eye to eye The vast majority of Jamaicans understand that it is within the United Kingdom of Great Britain sovereign right to arrest and imprisons any Jamaican nationals who break British Laws. With that we have no problem and see eye to eye The vast majority of Jamaicans understand that it is within the United Kingdom of Great Britain sovereign right to arrest and imprisons then later deport any Jamaican nationals who break British Laws. With that we have no problem and see eye to eye The vast majority of Jamaicans also understand that it ...