
Showing posts from March, 2015

[Resident][Alien] - An introspective on the isolation of the expat

By  Torsdag   © From Merriam-Webster: Res-i-dent: adjective                    : living in a particular place usually for a long period of time. Alien: adjective           : not familiar or like things you have known : different from what you are used to           : from another country           : belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing : strange Resident alien is an oxymoron. If you resided in a neighbourhood ‘for a long period of time’, would you consider yourself an unfamiliar? Would you not consider yourself ‘belonging to that area’? The birth of the expat. He or she come a foreign bright eyed and bushy tailed. Some to join family already here, some to go to college, some to join the workforce in various...