Jamaica, President Obama's Visit, CARICOM Neglect and The Chinese Invasion

Like most Jamaicans I am happy that the President of the United States decided to visit Jamaica. President Obama is a US President that I support and respect on many levels. First he is a member of the Democratic party and I support the Democratic Party, because there is no way on this green earth I could support a party like the Republican party, with all those crazy lunatics within it. Second he is the first Black President in United States history and looking at the USA racial history one has no choice but to respect him on this great historic achievement. However unlike most, I am not blinded by his blackness, my support for President Obama is not 100% blind support. No one on the face of this planet, alive or dead gets 100% blind, fanatic like support from me because I must remain objective. The fact is there are some things the President does that I am in agreement with and there are others that I am not in agreement with and as such I could not live with myself if I did ...