Humanity and InHumanity, is one and the same

Migrant bodies floating on an ocean One of the main difference between some people I know and myself, is that they still have hope in humanity, still believe in humanity and still have faith in humanity. They still believe that Humanity can change and they can help change Humanity. Even after all their years on this planet and after going through centuries of human history. I am shocked that some people still believe that human beings are going to change, be more loving, more caring, more peaceful and coexist in harmony. I am still wondering why, which planet have you been living on? Yes we can find good decent individuals but as a people we are destined for more of the same, more mass violence and a vicious cycle of self-destruction. How can people still believe and my question to you is, what are you seeing that I am not seeing? I am very happy for you to tell me that I am blind and not looking deeper and for you to show me the error of my ways. Make me see a light at the e...