Colonial Cultural Conditioning Using Soft Power

Cultural Conditioning or as the British historians Niall Ferguson calls it, the use of Soft Power to control hearts and minds. Making the subjugated do what you want them to do and think how you want them to think. This concept came back to me while I was watching the 1939 movie Gunga Din. A story about the exploits of colonial Great Britain in India. Growing up in post-colonial Jamaica, as in most other colonial countries, meant we inherited the mind-set that White Great Britain was Right, good, benevolent and we the black, brown, indigenous people wrong, useless and worthless. This is what the British spent over 350 years beating into us as a means of control. To relinquish control to the British, one must first accept the British concept and narrative about who we are as a people. That we are useless and worthless, uncivilized savages and without the British, without the Mother Country to save us from ourselves, we would be in a worst off. Where would we be without the Mother Cou...