
Showing posts from February, 2017

On Movies and Superheroes With a JTID Geek

An Evening at the Oscars with a JTID Geek, this is my Bobby Ghisays moment: One “Yuuge” difference between watching an American movie versus a British/European movie is that 99% of the time in an American movie the hero will save the day. It is so predictable that it is not worth watching at times. We know any second now the hero will overcome whatever challenges he or she is facing and save the day and we know 99% of the time he/she will not only survive but ride off into the sunset. With British/European movies you never really know how they will end because chances are both the hero and the people he/she was trying to save will end up dead or the world get blown to bits and we all die. Somehow people in Europe and the UK are not too concern with saving the day because the reality is, we cannot win all the time. It got to the point where the British film industry was forced to create alternate happy American endings to some of their movies in order to satisfy the snowflake Amer...