Jamaica’s Foreign Educated Bubble Headed Technocrats

Jamaica’s Foreign Educated Bubble Headed Technocrats live for disasters. There is nothing like a disaster to bring these idiots out from under their rock. These bubble headed idiots dust off their Sunday best imported suits then start jockeying for position in front of the TV cameras, trying to grab any news headlines they can get. Disaster and human suffering to them is just an opportunity to get in front of the media and sound important. Their chance to impress Jamaica with their advance High Education Lingo. "Well you know, the socio-economic, micro-macro, venture capitalist, policy, Asymmetric shock, yadda, yadda, yadda, blah, blah" Immediately everybody turn professional town and city planners with the techno-jargon to match. They love to declare which foreign university they picked up their degrees from and how they are professionals with zero practical experience. After the recent floods they were all over the TV, Internet and print media, their chance to shine and...