Jamaica High School Chronicles: The Pen Foot Incident

Calabar One day in second form, long, long ago one of the boys came to school with a new pen. He was proud of this pen and show it to almost everyone in the class. He was so proud of the pen that he refused to use it to write with fearing that it would run out of ink. Later that day he raised the alarm that his beloved new pen was stolen, he was crying his eyes out trying to explain to Sir how one second he had the pen and the next second it was gone. Sir saw that he was so very upset, devastated that his beloved pen was taken and vowed that before the end of the school day he would be reunited his pen. Jamaica College Sir made a plea to the entire class to return the pen and if it was returned now, then that would be the end of it, no further actions would be taken. He even agreed to leave the classroom hoping someone would anonymously drop it on the floor but so such luck, which angered Sir greatly. It was then that we moved into the punishment phase, titled the “Wrath...