Fear Real or Imaginary can be Profitable

Wrote this in 2018 - Not sure why it was unpublished If there is anything good going on in Jamaica we will never know it because the average Jamaican do not like good news about their homeland and if you try to highlight anything positive they will always counter that with something negative. Bad negative news about Jamaica travels around the world 1000 times faster than any good news because we see good news as a fluke and bad news as the norm. In fact I doubt good news about Jamaica would make it outside of Jamaica. Fear real or imaginary can be profitable. If you can put the fear of God in people and tell them in order to be safe all they need is to buy this or buy into that, then you would be stinking rich and full of power. Fear is a very valid marketing tool used to herd fearful people into doing what you want them to do. Corporation use fear to force people to buy their product and services. Religion uses fear to grow their congregation and increase the size of their collectio...