The Jamaican Concept of Class

The Question of Class? What is Class? Is it based on wealth or behavior? I think many people are confused with the concept of class within the context of Jamaica’s Unique Reality . The British concept of class and the Jamaican concept of class are totally different. The British concept of class is based on inherited status and wealth that is handed down from generation to generation and is ingrained within the British gentry/nobility based society. Emerging from over 300 years of Slavery, Colonization and Subjugation, the Jamaican concept had no generational inherited wealth and status and as such Jamaica had to redefine the concept of class. Not that we did not try to implement the British concept but having no Lords and Ladies just made us look pretentious and stupid. As such we had to redefine the concept of class to fit into Jamaica’s Unique Reality. Within Jamaica’s Unique Reality, what does it mean to break down the Social Barriers? I will first tell you what breaking ...