Jamaica General Election August 3rd 2020

I have been predicting a JLP win for some time now but I did not know just how much they would win by. I also tried to explain to people that PNP is running a very poor campaign and doing a terrible job as opposition. The PNP have brought nothing new to the table and if the PNP had any plan then they did not communicate that plan to the Jamaican people either out of arrogance or ignorance. The JLP have a Superior Public Relation machine and have been dominating the narratives for some time now. The PNP was too arrogant to respect that superior Public Relation machine and because they were too arrogant, they failed to counter it. The JLP could say anything about themselves and about the PNP who would ignore it as idle chatter, failing to see how it was resonating with the people. In the end the JLP Dominance in Public Relations and their ability to dominate the Narratives translated to JLP domination at the Polls. The PNP now needs to answer the question of leadership first and then r...