Colonially Conditioned and Stewed to Subjugated Perfection

Flag waving piccaninnies with Watermelon smiles. To see the big white chief touch down in their big white British taxpayer-funded bird. Jamaica and the Jamaican people are being used as a Public Relation Royal Gimmick for the British Monarchy. This Royal visit is not a good look for Jamaica. We have reached that point in our development where it is now time to distance ourselves from a Monarchy that colonially oppressed us for hundreds of years. This is not a time to embrace the British Monarchy on the world stage. One must wonder what the Monarchy want with Jamaica. What are they trying to achieve, what are their objectives? The fact is the British Monarchy is not what it uses to be, it is a fraction of what it once was. The Monarchy is contracting, it is in a perpetual state of decline. Its level of influence reduced to a trickle and the Royals who are inline to inherit the Monarchy are scared their will be nothing left for them to inherit, when their time comes around. ...