Who is Responsible for Nation Building Jamaica?

It is that time of the year again, Emancipation and Independence, known locally as “ EmanciPendence ”. A time of Hyper-Merriment and Festivities! This independence is different from previous. It is our 60 th year of independence (Semi-Independence), our Diamond Jubilee. It is also that time of the year when Jamaicans start to ask the question, why are we celebrating and what are we celebrating? While playing the blame game, identifying who is responsibility for Jamaica not achieving its full potentials. The usual target of their wrath are the members of the Political Class, who really are just a subset of the people. If the politicians are useless, worthless and corrupt, then they came from useless, worthless and corrupt people. If they are suppose to represent the best if us, then "dawg nyam we suppa". The problem with Jamaica, is that it is inhabited by greedy, selfish non-progressive Jamaicans who are of low quality and ungovernable. If the water in the well ...