
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Brexit effect: how leaving the EU hit the UK | FT Film

Between 2021 and 2023, monthly data showed a 27% drop in UK exports and a 32% drop in imports to and from the EU, compared to how things would have been had Brexit not happened, according to the Aston report.

Two Times Clare Daly Has Called On Europe To Stop Exploiting Africa | God ...

It is delusional and weak minded to think the White Western World Order will act in the best interest of Africa or any Brown and Black countries. At what time in our over 400 years of blood-soaked history with these people did they ever have our best interest at heart? If we are waiting for them to save us from ourselves and from them then we will continue to fail .  None but ourselves, can free our mind.  Africa must unite and become a force to be reckoned with. The future of Black people globally can only come out of Africa. It cannot come from the Black American or Black Britain. Nor can it come from the Caribbean because we are too small and too poor. Africa must unite, Africa must grow up and Africa must defend its position and people or else we will fail. Globally black people must unite around Mother Africa! I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!

Jamaica, Land of No Accountability - To Hell with the Law

Squatters Ville - The Dread at the Control I firmly believe that no one should be above the law of the land. I believe that everyone should be held accountable. I believe that every class of people we have in Jamaica should respect the law, each other and live according to the law of the land. I believe the rich, poor, and the political class should be held accountable whenever they break the law, no exceptions. I firmly believe that if we live by these principles then we will be on our way in creating a more egalitarian and just society.  What is very clear, is that I am on my own in this belief, since it is obvious that a lot of Jamaicans do not think the laws and rules of the land should apply to them. They should be able to do whatever they want, and no one should try and hold them accountable. In fact if you demand accountability with regard to the law of the land, you are accused of being colonial. Our future look dark! I saw a couple acres of flat beautiful land up in the Bl...

