Jamaica Droughts and Water Lock offs

Jamaica’s Aging Water Systems Falter Under Population Growth, Construction, Intense Heat and Drought Long before Jamaicans declared war on the environment, when Kingston and St. Andrew were a greener city with a much lower population size, our water harvesting, storage and distribution infrastructure was not efficient enough to effectively survive drought and supply us with water. It was never fit for purpose. These days, Kingston, and St. Andrew has changed because we declared war on every inch of greenspaces, converting single family homes with beautiful green yard spaces into Gated Concrete Townhouse Compounds. If you build it, they will come and they are a coming. We are now building for the Global diaspora. Construction of Hermitage Dam began in 1924 and it was inaugurated on 4 May 1927. It was developed to solve a 1927 problem. According to the 1921 census of Jamaica, the total population of the parishes of Kingston and St Andrew (KSA) was 118,309. In 1927, the Hermita...