
Showing posts from August, 2023

Black American Exceptionalism and Xenophobia

Inside most Black Americans are Over Privileged white Karen's trying to get out.  During a recent debate I declared that if you think those poor abused BLM Black American think any different to white America, then think again. Inside most Black Americans are over privileged white American Karen's trying to get out. Then all hell broke loose and I was banned from twitter for that statement!  It is the view of some Jamaicans that once some Black American visits the developing black and brown third world, they become white Americans, they see us through white eyes. Black American Exceptionalism is real because they were all culturally conditioned like white people to view the outside world the same way. That is why most Black Americans are always on board with American foreign policy in the black and brown world. It is as if they view themselves as superior and others inferior. People who suffer oppression always look to oppress others in order to feel good about themselves....

Africa Must Remove the Influence of the Colonial Powers

Italy Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni Goes Viral Again After Niger Coup - ... I am not a fan of coups unless that coup is used to get rid of murderous dictators. The problem with coups is that it is difficult to tell if they are progressive, have the support of the people and the people's interest at heart. Most coups are done for selfish reasons by power hungry people who are almost always violent and corrupt.  The problem with modern elections is that they are normally hijacked by wealthy, powerful special interest groups who can manipulate the process and control the narrative. They can make people vote against their own interest. For example, if rich powerful France wants a certain candidate in Niger to win an election, then they just throw money at it and use their superior influence to control the narratives, spread misinformation and manipulate the electoral process. Under these conditions, I would support a progressive coup with a quick transition to democratic elections with...