
Showing posts from 2024

Idiotic Rich Black People

Taking into consideration the history of black people on this planet. One must ask the question, do black people have a responsibility to perform black nation building? Almost every other racial grouping performs some form of nation building within their race. So, do rich black people have a bigger responsibility to perform black nation building? I can only describe the American definition of black wealth as throwing pearls before swine. It is petty, non-progressive, semi-literate, vulgar, cheap, trivial, comical, flamboyant and a wasteful process. Designed to appeal to semi-literate, ignorant hood-rats. Most of these rich black people are just hood-rats with money, and they exist to make white people rich, at the expense of Black Nation Building.    Most visibly rich black Americans are entertainers, which includes people who play sports. One can say most are not very intelligent and in fact semi-literate. They express themselves by splashing their wealth for all to see becau...

Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot


Trump 2025, UK, EU and BRICS, and Jamaica

The United States of America is very hostile, especially to brown and black countries and the only way to fight against this hostility, is through unity. This hostility is the perfect opportunity to create an alternate world order, one where the United States play a minor role, one where all its huffing and puffing and bullying would have little effect. The only way to fight this aggression is to unite and circle the wagons leaving them outside. The world needs to increase trade with each other, transfer industries from the USA to other countries and become independent of this abuse and threats. This is the perfect time for other major powers to step up and take advantage of this global hostility. The EU needs to presents itself as an alternative. Dissolve NATO and create the EU defense force, build up its military industrial complex. China, India, Russia needs to step up and engage the world. The Commonwealth and CARICOM had better start uniting and working together. It is time for th...

Dennis Minott | Aggressive shallowness: threat to Jamaica’s future

 I loved this article so much that I copy and paste the entire thing, not trusting the Gleaner to retain it.  Dennis Minott | Aggressive shallowness: threat to Jamaica’s future Published:Sunday | October 20, 2024 | 12:07 AM Dennis Minott writes: Aggressive shallowness thrives in spaces where appearance, image, and instant gratification dominate. In Jamaica, this is starkly evident in the world of reggae and dancehall music, which has long been a powerful medium for social commentary and resistance. In 2024, Jamaica finds itself gripped by a cultural affliction that has grown more pronounced: aggressive shallowness. This phenomenon, which prizes style over substance, has seeped into the core of Jamaican society, shaping politics, education, popular culture, and even business. No longer content with being merely superficial, this shallowness has taken on an aggressive edge, pushing aside meaningful discourse and critical thought in favour of loud, empty posturing. It is a danger...

The Integrity Commission, Jamaica and Partisan Politics

At around 2007-2008, the rate of police shootings in Jamaica was high. Jamaicans expressed outrage and demanded police accountability and oversight to protect the poor ghetto youths. As a result, the Government of the day created INDECOM by 2010. However, every time there is a police shooting and INDECOM declared they will investigate that shooting, Jamaicans went ballistic calling for an end to INDECOM, who they accused of loving criminals. With questions asked why INDECOM never say anything when ghetto youths shoot up innocent people. Even though INDECOM was not created for that purpose, only to investigate police shootings. At a time when political corruption was running rampant, and the public started losing faith in their elected officials. The Government created an oversight commission called The Integrity Commission (IC) to make sure our elected officials keep their hands out of the public’s purse and are not using their position of power to enrich themselves. Everything was fi...

Violence at Notting Hill West Indian Carnival and Brooklyn West Indian Parade - Not In My Name

The time has come for the West Indies to distance itself from these overseas abominations that are taking place in Brooklyn and London. Far-Right racist Britain and Far-Right racist USA loves the Notting Hill Carnival and the Brooklyn West Indian Parade because they use them to prove their racist point and push their racist narratives, that black and brown people are inferior and white people superior and that we do not belong in their space. The news headlines for carnival and parades are pre-written a year in advance, right after the last carnival. All the white weaponized media need to do is fill in the blanks with the numbers generated by dysfunctional black people who attend. The White Weaponized Media goes into a frenzy days before the event, Viagra hard with excitement and who can blame them because we as a people never fail disappoint. They want violence and we give them violence! Some Black British and some Black Americans wear their dysfunctional ignorance like a badge of hon...

The Jamaican Media is Colonially Conditioned and Subjugated

2024 Southport Riots If something negative happened in the Jamaica the British media would highlight it because they gain the feeling of superiority by highlighting our negatives as proof of our inferiority. When something negative is happening in the UK the Jamaican media ignores it. That is because our media and the Jamaican Government are colonially conditioned and stewed to subjugated perfection and as such contributes to the perception of British superiority and our inferiority. Far Right white racist British citizens have been violently rioting for the past couple days, setting fire to anything that can burn and attacking the police, and black and brown people going about their business and our local media pretends it is not happening. Thus, keeping our people ignorant into believing believing that they are inferior, and the British are superior.  What constitute as media in Jamaica is a joke. If this was Happening in Jamaica, the British press would be all over it and it wou...

The American idealism was always Fictional

The American idealism was always fictional, but many have been brainwashed to believe otherwise. The truth is the USA is more dysfunctional than other developed countries and just as dysfunctional as some underdeveloped countries and at the rate they are going, things will only get worse! No country is fully functional, some however are more functional and more progressive than other countries.  There has been a dumbing down of the American population because it is easier to control stupid people. The problem gets even worse when dumb people are electing dumber politicians to rule over them. To throw fuel on the fire, the USA then arm the dumb down population with as much weapons of death as they can buy. Now how do you think that is going to end? The US walks around the world weaponizing their made up high ideals, beating other countries with it, telling them to be just like America, when that idealism does not exist in the United States of America.  I expect the President ...