The Integrity Commission, Jamaica and Partisan Politics

At around 2007-2008, the rate of police shootings in Jamaica was high. Jamaicans expressed outrage and demanded police accountability and oversight to protect the poor ghetto youths. As a result, the Government of the day created INDECOM by 2010. However, every time there is a police shooting and INDECOM declared they will investigate that shooting, Jamaicans went ballistic calling for an end to INDECOM, who they accused of loving criminals. With questions asked why INDECOM never say anything when ghetto youths shoot up innocent people. Even though INDECOM was not created for that purpose, only to investigate police shootings. At a time when political corruption was running rampant, and the public started losing faith in their elected officials. The Government created an oversight commission called The Integrity Commission (IC) to make sure our elected officials keep their hands out of the public’s purse and are not using their position of power to enrich themselves. Everything was fi...