Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) or Privy Council of the United Kingdom

If Jamaica had a referendum today, on adopting the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and on becoming a Republic, I would gladly vote YES on both counts . The UK and the British Monarchy to me serves no purpose to our daily lives, it contributes NOTHING to our daily lives. Which is why, I am at a lost as to why we are still the Monarchy of Jamaica and have the Queen to the Right of Jamaica as Head of State. Every now and then one of those useless Royals stop by for a wave, put on a Rasta wig, act the fool and dance around and as a result, some idiots in Jamaica feel privileged for the little Royal attention and I wonder why. The Commonwealth is a useless and worthless organization. The Commonwealth adds no economic or social value or benefit to our lives and if it did not exist tomorrow nothing would change. YET we dance around these useless colonial institutions as if our lives depend on it. AND I WONDER ...WHY? I am thinking that, after 300 years or slavery and colonization we are...